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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. 8/10. Didn't think it was too bad today, a mix of quiz chestnuts (questions that come up time after time in quizzes) and a few obscure ones. Betty Joan Persky, Challenger Deep and the first US state to join the Union are all in the former category. Hypatia, Portland and Lux et Veritas were all fairly gentle I thought. Vague memories of having heard haboob before and planasthai was a bit of a guess. Didn't know Barnenez or Richard Saunders.
  2. 7/10. Should have remembered the Super Bowl one, the President one was a bad miss, didn't have a clue about Hello Kitty . Managed to guess the year Maxwell died and the guide, the credit card one rang a distant bell.
  3. 8/10. Knew 7, worked out the likely answer for the Swiss roll one after what seemed like an eternity. Didn't know Fraggle Rock or Rolling Rock.
  4. Never witnessed so much hostility/acrimony aimed towards one young, admittedly immature player before. Seems like a lot of people want to see him fail. He's far from the only egocentric footballer who has an inflated sense of his own worth. Hope he settles down, gets his head screwed on, works hard, fulfils his undoubted potential and surprises everyone by becoming an asset to the Scottish national team in the future (let's face it, the chances of him electing for Somalia are slim and the rumours that he has turned his back on Scotland are just that.... rumours).
  5. A poor 6 today on a 'so what?' set of questions. TV, perfumes, PG Wodehouse and deodorants not really areas of interest for me. Didn't learn anything I particularly cared to know.
  6. 9/10 yesterday & today, didn't get horseshoe crab blood colour or Larsen C. Today's felt easier. Yesterday's was a bit lucky, landed guesses on the geographical term and card game questions.
  7. If the question refers (as it appears to do) to the number of countries in which each language is spoken then I'd have gone with English, French, Arabic and Spanish as the top 4. There are quite a number of Portuguese speaking nations, I would have expected it to be 5th. The only other contender I can think of is Russian as there are a lot of ex Soviet states out there. On the Guardian quiz today: a slightly lucky 10/10. I knew 8, had a strong feeling about the African country and guessed the runner.
  8. 7/10 on yesterday's set. 10/10 on pirates. Wasn't sure on the cyclist question, the others I was reasonably confident on (have come across the Captain Hook public school one in a quiz before).
  9. Sitting in Ibrox at the Commonwealth Games Rugby 7s, where fans of all competing nations mingled amicably in a convivial atmosphere, ushered to our seats by enthusiastic and welcoming volunteers, able to drink alcohol or soft drinks from a bottle should we so desire, inexplicably resisting the temptation to sing sectarian songs or throw coins and insults at rival fans, one could be forgiven for thinking a return trip to a doubtless half empty Ibrox for the football could be undertaken without the hassle of navigating our way past obstacles placed in the path of common sense by heavy-handed officialdom, and without experiencing the characteristic mix of apathy, disdain and contempt extended to fans by football clubs and authorities alike. Sadly not.
  10. Difficult to show highlights of Rangers, Hearts and Hibs games without also showing their opponents. Livingston and Falkirk have featured so far with everyone else bound to do so in due course. Pat Nevin mentioned Queens and Raith Rovers good starts. Seems curious they didn't show the Championship table, but they didn't show the Premiership one either. Would agree that a short feature showcasing all Championship goals in addition to the ubiquitous Rangers, Hearts and Hibs coverage would be good, but some coverage of the Championship is better than none.
  11. Just done the last 3. Got 8/10, 9/10 and 6/10. Tough set today. Knew Breaking Bad, TS Eliot, Kant and Zuckerberg, was fairly sure on the World Cup one, guessed launch of ITV.
  12. I'd maybe get that changed. It's probably not that legal to state that you're not charging shipping when you are in fact charging shipping.
  13. So what they really mean is the handling is free. The shipping clearly isn't.
  14. Yet another example of the complete contempt in which the fans are held by many in football. Not Queens fault here, but a disgraceful way for Rotherham to treat both sets of fans and completely disrespectful to the club, for whom, as has already been said, this was their last pre-season match. I travelled down from Edinburgh early in the morning and it was only during lunch in Dumfries that I discovered Queens would be playing against a youth team. No point not going after travelling, but had I known in advance I'd have spared myself the time and expense. To send the entire first team squad home after the Falkirk game shows breathtaking levels of arrogance and condescension. No one expects any team to play 2 games in 2 successive days during the season, but with the level of squad rotation typical in friendlies it would have been perfectly possible to have given the majority of the first team one half on Friday and one half on Saturday afternoon. To send for the youth team and have absolutely no first team players in attendance was quite simply an insult to all concerned. As for the game: for the first half of the first half I thought Queens were dreadful. The opening goal was as soft as you'll ever see and for the next 20 mins or so Queens seemed determined to squander possession in dangerous areas with a series of misjudged passes straight to the opposition . The centre backs were particularly culpable but the midfield were guilty too. Had we being playing Rotherham's first team we'd doubtless have been punished further. For Rotherham the number 11 was skilful and caused some problems early on. Thankfully Queens began to lose their nerves and we got into the game as the half progressed, eventually taking control. The second half display by Queens was excellent I thought. We really upped the tempo and started to play some great stuff. The passing was much more assured and we looked confident and dangerous every time we attacked. I don't think Rotherham were that bad, but Queens tore them apart at will in the 2nd period. Some of the young subs did well when they came on. If we play like we did in the first 25 mins It will be a long, hard season, but I saw enough in the 2nd half to think we are capable of doing quite well.
  15. Oh and the CVR is more than a voice recorder. It's a microphone in the cockpit that records all sounds including, but not limited to, voices. If there is an explosion, for instance, that will be on the CVR.
  16. There was speculation at the time of the NTSB investigation into KAL 007, after Yeltsin handed back the data recorders, that the tapes had been spliced and reassembled by the Russians but the NTSB stated in their report that they were satisfied that the evidence was complete. The Russians were fairly bullish about that one as KAL 007 was shot down over Russian territory (it had drifted off course due to a failure of the pilots to activate the automatic navigation system) and there were spy planes operating in the area at the time. I guess it's possible, but it's probably impossible to do it without leaving evidence that you've done it.
  17. No, but they will need to examine all the available evidence to determine the cause of the crash. It will be possible to definitively determine from a combination of FDR, CVR and forensic examination of the wreckage whether it was brought down by a missile from the ground, fire from a fighter jet, a bomb on board, mechanical failure or whatever. There will be an evidential signature for all of these events. If, as looks likely, it was brought down by a missile, examination of the wreckage should reveal clues as to the type of missile used and the likely origin. There is a reason why the data recorders of KAL 007 were kept under lock and key by the Russians after a fighter jet downed the Korean airliner in 1983, until they were eventually returned to Korea by Yeltsin in late 1992, the evidence clearly established Russian culpability. Diplomatic pressure will be brought to bear to ensure that there is an international element to the investigation, probably with the involvement of the NTSB in Washington, who are the acknowledged world leaders in the field of air crash investigation.
  18. A lot will depend on where the Flight Data Recorder, CVR (cockpit voice recorder) and salient parts of the wreckage end up. If they are in rebel hands and get shipped back to Moscow we can probably look forward to years of obfuscation and misinformation a la KAL 007, the Litvinenko affair etc.
  19. The Russians have form for this sort of thing. KAL Flight 007 was shot down by a Russian fighter jet over Sakhalin in 1983 towards the end of the Cold War. And of course the US have done it too. USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner (Iran Air Flight 655) in 1988.
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