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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. Mother 5/10 Enjoyed the first half of this. and was settling in for a claustrophobic home invasion horror movie, but it quickly degenerated into heavy-handed allegorical guff. What could have been a decent genre flick morphed into a self-indulgent fable. It's hard to resist the conclusion that Aronofsky takes himself far too seriously: investing the well-worn archetype of the tortured artist (assailed by, and dependent upon, his adoring public) with unsubtle Old Testament overtones came off as self-aggrandising. Michelle Pfeiffer is absolutely wonderful in this though.
  2. 8 for Friday. Didn't find it too bad. Knew Mt Damavand, Bay of Pigs, moon of Saturn (albeit by a process of elimination), Hodges, Latin phrase and artist. Landed guesses on Chess World Cup and Les Murray. Danish royalty and Aussie Survivor let me down. Unlikely to be enough to earn another second place, but happy enough with that.
  3. 9 for Thursday. Knew 6 for sure, and I'm almost certain I've heard the Baseball World Cup question before. Landed guesses on movie and novel series. Back to normal in getting Aussie sport wrong though, reassuringly.
  4. 9/10 but I'm claiming a moral 10. Got the Louis right, but wrong. QM is generally right, unless he's patently wrong, which is the case here. Had a strong feeling on Aussie sport for a change, I sincerely hope it was luck and not knowledge that helped me to the correct answer here. My consistent ignorance of Aussie sport has always been a reassurance in an ever-changing world. Guessed Aussie politics. Knew the other 7. Slightly bemused as to how the information that the right answer is 'wrong' should lead to quite so many correct guesses as to which of the 3 wrong answers is 'right' though
  5. A fortunate 7 for Monday. Knew platelets, Gulf of Mexico and Ten Summoner's Tales. Had hunches about The Late Show and population of Sri Lanka. Nixtamalisation and La Boheme were random guesses.
  6. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Echoes of Stanton's role as seedy P.I. Johnnie Farragut in Wild at Heart in this Guess Jeans commercial from the '90s.
  7. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    R.I.P. Harry Dean Stanton. Great actor. Loved him in Lynch's work - as Carl Rodd in FWWM / The Return, Johnnie Farragut in Wild at Heart and Freddy Howard in Inland Empire, as well as his iconic role in Paris, Texas. Lynch is definitely up for a continuation of Twin Peaks btw. He's playing the long game on this. It's just a matter of whether Showtime, or failing that, another platform such as Netflix, come up with the money and cede the requisite level of control. It would likely be another 3-5 years in the making, as Lynch is a fastidious filmmaker. Despite low-key noises emanating from Showtime's President David Nevins, I'd be surprised if they weren't already deep in negotiations for season 4. The finale to S3 opens up a whole new range of possibilities. If The Return had a minor fault, for me it paid a little too much lip service to the original and was shrouded in a kind of bittersweet nostalgia. Some of that was wonderful, like the tribute to the log lady, but it felt, at times, like Lynch was torn between paying homage to the old, and forging something new. I'd like to see more of the world of episode 18, which ranks amongst the most unsettling work that Lynch has produced in his career IMO.
  8. 7 for Wed, 7 for Thurs, 8 for Fri. There's a cup quiz too? Having trouble fulfilling my fixtures in the league at the moment due to a number of factors. Will try to have a bash at the cup in the morning.
  9. 8 for Monday. My previous 8 (on Sunday) was for Tuesday's quiz masquerading as Monday's....I think Got Risk and Gabriel Allon wrong. Guessed most decorated servicewoman question and had a hunch about the Science of Getting Rich book (might have heard it before, but most likely just got lucky).
  10. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Wasn't fully on board with the first half of Ep 17. Thought the Green Glove Guy v Bouncing Bob showdown was risible. Have a feeling this long-awaited Good v Evil showdown was a pastiche, with the loveable cockney geezer-turned-superhero taking down Bob like he was a boss at the end of a bad video game. Loved the second half of the episode though, from Coop going down into the basement in the Great Northern onwards. Episode 18 was incredible though. Even though I adore Episode 8, I thought this was Lynch's best work since Lost Highway. Utterly disorienting, haunting and eerie. I have to hand it to Lynch: given the expectations of much of the Twin Peaks fan base for a coherent ending that wrapped up many of the loose ends, and for Coop to triumph over evil, Lynch must have cojones of steel to bow out with such an opaque, bewildering and resolutely downbeat finale. The ten minute drive was mesmerising, the atmospheric shot when they stopped at the gas station in the dark was like an Edward Hopper painting, but much more beautiful. The last scene was terrifying. Coop's grand plan came to naught, leaving him broken and bewildered. Laura couldn't be saved. Evil won. Bravo, Mr Lynch!
  11. Apologies again, having trouble finding time to check in daily these days. 7 for Tues, 8 Wed, 7 Thurs and 7 Fri. Guessometer not really firing this week. Got every Aussie sport question wrong, must be on about 5% overall hit rate on Aussie sport.
  12. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Great spot. It is indeed. Clarence Williams III. Less than 8 hours to go until the finale. Can't wait!
  13. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    There seems to be a sizeable minority of original Twin Peaks fans who don't like the direction of the new series, concentrating as it has for so long on 'Dougie' and the Las Vegas dimension, rather than Agent Cooper (of old) and Twin Peaks. Personally, I've loved the Las Vegas stuff: everyone in the Vegas storyline has been knocking it out of the park: 'Battlin' Bud', The Mitchum Brothers, Candie and the girls, Janey-E, Anthony Sinclair, the Fusco Brothers, Jade, Jackpots Lady, even the cameo from Jeremy Davies as one of the goons that Janey-E lectured back in Ep6 was hilarious. I think the Audrey & Charlie stuff has tested the patience of some folk too. You can't please everyone! Ep 16 was fantastic btw.
  14. 7 for Monday. Guessed the play and President of Germany (prob should have known that one). Got both sports questions and Tom Cruise debut (went wrong way after eliminating two of the options) wrong.
  15. Fortunate 9 for Thursday. Knew 6. Guessed asthenosphere and, remarkably, both sports questions. Got Fijian island wrong.
  16. Not having read the Cardinal's comments on the Bangladesh question, I foolishly went for the correct answer. 8, should have been a 9.
  17. 9 for Tuesday. Probably the first time I've known 9/10. Aussie politics can always be relied upon to burst my balloon though.
  18. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks: The Return is definitely not for everyone. Thankfully.
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