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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. Misread one on the cup quiz. Saw the word syzygy and instinctively hit the option marked 'astronomy.' Only then realised that the question was asking which of the four fields the term didn't apply to! Never heard the term applied outwith astronomy, so no guarantee I would have got it right anyway, and would still have lost in any case, but not the first time I've failed to read a question properly. Well played WRK! Great score on a challenging quiz.
  2. 7/10 for Wed. Knew capital, Penn Warren novel, House of Lords and Honduran flag. Animated movie was logical given one of the character names. Guessed Chilean food and word. Will have a go at Thursday's shortly.
  3. I cast my vote in favour of the trust, but wasn't surprised to see the motion defeated. Fan representation on the board is good enough for clubs such as Hearts, Motherwell and Hibs (where 85% of their fans came out in favour of boardroom representation in a recent consultative process) etc. The general trend is towards fan representation / fan ownership, but not for the first time, a curiously conservative, overly-deferential mindset prevails at Queens. Not sure what point the cut and paste job from the Companies House website served, other than to incite a little 'it's no fur the likes ae us' dread amongst the forelock-tuggers who think they should defer to their 'betters' in such matters.
  4. Happy with 8/10 for Tuesday - knew 5 (Super Bowl. Lemming, Lake Victoria, Nobel Peace Prize, chess), guessed Van Gogh, Aussie national anthem and 2008 album artist.
  5. 8/10. Was confident on 6. Managed to guess the name of the judge from the Mundine-Green fight without having a scooby who either Mundine or Green are. Song lyric was a guess too. Got the secret agent and Twilight wrong.
  6. I'll cast my vote in favour of change. Guessing randomly on Aussie sports and politics questions almost never pays off for me - I know nothing about those subjects, and care even less.
  7. 7/10 for Friday. Got the Australian flag bearer, the golf and the musical wrong. Greek alphabet and Indian food were guesses.
  8. I'd say that the USA have an imbecile in the White House, if that weren't demeaning to imbeciles. 'Uranium...they tell me they can do some bad things with uranium...nuclear holocaust...very bad...CNN...you guys are the worst... They said I wouldn't win. I had the biggest win since Ronald Reagan. I got 306 votes in the Electoral College." (pesky journalist: "Obama got more..") "I meant the most votes for a Republican since Reagan.." (pesky journalist: "George H.W. Bush had a lot more..") "I have people who tell me these things...I've seen that information around, but...journalists...bad...fake news....very bad...Russia... not so bad...nuclear holocaust...I've read a book...I've been briefed...this would be a real bad nuclear holocaust, believe me.." It's tempting to say that electing Trump to the Presidency is just one of those inexplicable post-Brexit, post-truth, post-anything-that makes-the-remotest-bit-of-sense-to-anyone-with-a-vaguely-functioning-cerebral-cortex things: a temporary brain fade on the part of the American electorate similar to, say, Harvard University appointing a honey badger as Professor of Diplomacy and International Relations. Both Trump and the badger are eminently unqualified and temperamentally unsuited to the job and it's almost certain that the faculty big-wigs, rather like the electorate, would soon be experiencing those 'morning after' regrets ('why on earth did we promote that erratic mustelid when we could have had Mr Thomson')', but the comparisons end there. No matter how much harm the irascible ratel could inflict on the illustrious academic office to which he had been improbably elevated, the collateral damage to the wider world would be minimal. If only the batshit-crazy critter in the White House's threat could be contained to his immediate vicinity.
  9. 8/10 for Tuesday. Knew 6 (artist, Presidential age requirement, timpani, author, animated film, Corcovado). Guessed TV show and golf course.
  10. You know it's going to be a tough season in the top flight when after the opening day's fixtures, 9/10 is just enough to secure mid-table respectability
  11. Didn't find that quite as straightforward as some were predicting. 7/10. Was fairly confident of 6 of the 7 I got right - young people's popular music, Aussie sport (predictably) and Art (unpredictably - usually a decent subject for me) letting me down.
  12. 7/10 for Thursday. Knew Madagascar, actor, capital and poet, and was fairly confident on author. PM and musical instrument were guesses.
  13. A fairly uninspiring 7/10. Got both Aussie sports questions wrong, as is customary. Didn't know the TV series. Knew 6 of the other 7. Guessed backgammon. In other quizzing news, we managed to win two pub quizzes back to back last night, the first in a packed field of 43 teams at the Brass Monkey in Leith.
  14. 8/10. Thought I knew 7, but got one of those wrong (the plant). Knew Tanzania, spats, cricket, The Prince, Hollies and Angora. Guessed earthquake and TV series. All the best to SlipperyP.
  15. Yeah, I should have scored 7 rather than 6 for Thursday. Perhaps my post above was a little cryptic. I knew the flag colours, but chose the wrong option of the (as then) two 'right options' available. A 6 that should have been, had the quiz not been broken, a 7, so I'll have 7 for that, thanks!
  16. 8/10 for Tuesday, got the two Aussie questions wrong. Knew 7 of the other 8 - that mnemonic for taxonomic ranks I memorised a while back is worth its weight in gold in yielding quiz points - guessed the Universiade one.
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