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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. A thoroughly average 6 to end a thoroughly average week. Knew 5 (large book, Daisy Buchanan, summum bonum, neon, Ibsen). If a monkey was hitting my iPad randomly, I'd expect him to land one guess in 4. By the judicious application of logic, reason and a modicum of background knowledge, I've refined that to around 1 in 5. Unless it's Aussie sport, when it's more like 1 in 10.
  2. Always watch Uni Challenge, celeb and student editions. Agree that Val was outstanding. Sad enough to take a note of the questions I got that the teams didn't. Got 8 unique answers in the final, which was a bit below par for me. Particularly fond memories of St Hilda's matches in this year's celeb edition as the utterly gorgeous Daisy Dunn was on their team.
  3. Knew 5, scored 6. Resigned to the fact that my guessometer will almost never produce the goods on Aussie sports questions, particularly Aussie female sports questions, of which we seem to have had a torrent of late. UFC, women's bowls and Aussie two dollar coins all firmly in the 'who cares?' category for me.
  4. 7/10. Guess-o-meter still not calibrated properly as was fairly confident on 7. Aussie women's sport, Temburong and Chagall - nul points.
  5. 7/10 for the latest Aussie quiz. Knew most of the answers of any consequence (Maupin, Bond, Pyramid of the Sun, hibernophile, English king, Czech flag). Reassuringly ignorant of the winner of the Moly Bathurst car race or the Aussie treasurer for a day. Neither of those nuggets will be filed away for future reference.
  6. Joseph Wright of Derby - A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery (c. 1766)
  7. 7/10. Knew colcannon, Day-Lewis, Jinnah, Boxer Rebellion and Zarathustra. Landed 2 guesses from the remaining 5. 1 from 3 on sport is above par for me.
  8. Will definitely settle for 7/10 on what felt like a tough set. Got the golfer, the Michel Aoun question (despite eliminating two of the four options) and the TV actor wrong. Landed a few guesses. Only ones I knew for sure were the mythology question (from another sphere), the tennis and the US President. Rwanda was a semi-educated guess.
  9. Slightly lucky 10. Guessed the Aussie sport question right for a change, wasn't confident on the Hawaiian island, and the osteomalacia one was an educated guess. Knew the other 7.
  10. After a disappointing cup elimination due to grossly overestimating the size of the Statue of Liberty's feet, back to league business with a solid 8/10. Got the novel and, unforgiveably, the cricket question wrong. South American geography question was a semi-educated guess, the others I knew.
  11. The ultimate in nail-biting cup tie tension: waiting on tenterhooks for the much-anticipated reveal of the Statue of Liberty's bloody shoe size
  12. 7/10. Knew word definition, Liechtenstein, Turing, artist, Everest and was reasonably confident on Banda Islands. Landed a guess on Canadian PM. Got Aussie sport question wrong as usual. Speicalst subject for cup: Architecture
  13. What a bizarre appointment. Seems like the SFA's thinking went a bit like this: 'Well, as the young, progressive, forward-thinking candidate turned us down for the Hearts assistant coach's role, who have we got left? Oh yes, the old racist homophobe. He'll have to do then." Frightening.
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