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Everything posted by eddiemunster

  1. Did the fifteen miler via Possil again today. Colitis wasn't playing the game with me today unfortunately. Just managed to make it to the bogs at The Stables in Kirky, didn't stay long enough though and ended up doing a Paula Radcliffe at the side of the path a mile later. Arse is in tatters after having to wipe with dry leaves.
  2. Money less than a fiver is like semen. Once you've given it to someone, you don't really want it back.
  3. That's a demo of the Hitler w**k, where you learn against the wall in the shower and bash one out. (Angry face optional)
  4. Fifteen miles had to do today, got to Queen Street station at 15 on the button and could not be fucked looping about the town centre to make up an extra mile. Had the joy of finishing via Possil, which certainly encouraged me to keep moving.
  5. Psyching myself up for a 16 miler today. Would rather be in my wanking chariot.
  6. My da is old school, we don't do the emotional bit ever, but he said something that has stuck to this day. He said that whatever happened was maybe somehow for the best. That the baby maybe wasn't completely healthy and had it hung on, might have had to live a hard life. It was better we dealt with the pain than a wee baby did. We had been told we couldn't have weans before this first experience, so it seemed like a particularly cruel twist of fate.
  7. Mate, you never completely forget but the gaps between these horrible waves get longer and you just get on. Grief is a c**t, especially when nobody really thinks you're grieving and the support and attention rightly is focussed on your Mrs. It just takes time. This is what makes us.
  8. If I had a dog I would call it "Syndrome" so when it jumped up at folk I could shout "down Syndrome!"
  9. Bought a bag of steak Doritos, I'd recommend you don't. My full house smells like sport arse, or that humid funk when you shag a fat bird, a sort of Bovril/sweat/shite shame. Like have you ever been having a right good scratch at your arse and the itch leads you to the outskirts of Flavour Town? Then you inevitably smell your fingers and it's absolutely no right. Well it's like that. Can't stop eating the c***s though.
  10. He's regretting it before he does it. Still going to do it though. He should stop torturing himself and just embrace the mawkit. Disgust and desire are close cousins.
  11. I use the Hi 5 gels and tablets by the way. You can pick them up on Amazon or Wiggle.com fairly cheaply.
  12. I agree with Morrison's marathon strategy for the gels. I take six, have one every five miles whether I feel like it or not (with an extra one just in case I need it at the back end). The trick is not to wait till you feel shite, because by then it's usually too late. I wear a wee running belt with loops for holding the gels. I also keep a wee stash of electrolyte tabs, which I add at every second water station. I don't tan a bottle and throw it away, instead I drop a tablet in and sip it as I run. If I guzzle water I only end up needing a pish within half an hour. Definitely try the gels and tablets during training to ensure they agree with you. I have ulcerative colitis so they don't actually do me any favours, but I am usually on the imodium train for a marathon anyway. Got another solid half into the legs today, feeling the fitness picking up slightly which is encouraging.
  13. I went out with a lassie who had excema. She had cracking tits.
  14. I did most of my long runs along the canal from Auchinstarry. It's far more than 11 miles to Clydebank, closer to 18 I would estimate. I've done Auchinstarry to Anniesland, then down to the Clyde and back to Queen Street Station for the train back to Croy and that was pushing 18 I'm sure.
  15. London was my first marathon and I wanted to get round under 4 hours too. Finished up 4:01:25 which was frustrating to say the least. I slowed down to take a selfie with this dude who was dressed as Jesus, carrying a cross and running barefoot. There's a lesson about blasphemy in there I think.
  16. I wouldn't pin your hopes on a time at London even if you're at 100%. It's frustratingly slow at the start and bunches up a few times round the route. I made the schoolboy error of taking very wide lines to avoid the majority of slower movers and ended up adding an extra mile into the thing. The result was that my own timer had a great time for the marathon, but my official time was shite as my legs went due to the additional distance. You'll probably only get to run it once, instead of being a slave to your watch, lift your head and take it all in. It really is quite spectacular. Good luck.
  17. First half in ages today, held up not too bad and feel a lot better about preparing for Edinburgh over the next 12 weeks. Keep adding little increments to the long run at the weekend and I should be close to where I need to be. I had hoped to be well under 3:44:00 which is what I did Stirling in last year, but at this stage I need to be realistic and hope to sneak under that by even a wee bit. 3:30:00 will need to wait till next year.
  18. They should do a jail edition, where they have to fashion blades out of toothbrushes and broken glass.
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