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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. We could get Nicky what's his name on lone although I would expect he'll go to daddies team when he gets sent out by Sevco.
  2. Well it certainly looks as though we'll get a couple of near full houses in the league next season, loadsa money.
  3. Good post and I agree with the vast majority of it. On Conroy I think defensively he could be stronger than Holt but wont be as good going forward although I can see him being the set piece specialist who could bring us a few goals. Jim I'm sure will be disappointed but not surprised to see Thompson come in as No1 on the keeper front but he'll just have to stick in and bide his time. Although I don't expect it from Thompson, look what happened last time we brought a keeper in from a team below us!!!
  4. Don't imagine he'll be that fussed what some folk think. Will he sink or swim, good luck to the lad.
  5. I expect a backlash but I'll post my thoughts anyway. There's no doubt in his time at Queens Dobbie was something special, yet since then wherever he's gone he's made little impact and been loaned out early. Yes he was playing at a higher level but why was he not cutting it at these clubs, was it all down to fitness? Millar reminds me so much of him.
  6. So if rumours are to believed we're going to sign Killy rejects and someone from Cowdenbeef. These are to replace our best young talent, humm great stuff.
  7. McCord would be a player I would really like to see down hear.
  8. Queens to start a biding war, good news, more money!
  9. Would expect him to be going to a Premiere league team, no?
  10. The market will soon be flooded with good experienced players. With the last two seasons we've had Queens have definitely put ourselves up on the football map, the question is can/will we be able to entice them to sign for us with decent deals?
  11. I would have thought that there would have been a lot of extra income this season based on our home gates to swell the coffer's and help with the players wage budget. I'm not saying we should now be cash rich but money wise I would think things will be looking favourable.
  12. Listening to the podcast it sounds as though they are going to go down the route of youth rather than experience which generally comes at a cost! This year our success has been down to the great blend of youthful energy and experience. It will all depend on who and how many we lose but I think this will be a huge task and a busy summer for Fowler. As long as he's allowed to use the money we get from any players moving on it should help as I'm sure with his years playing at the top of Scottish football he'll have plenty of good connection.
  13. Holt has been at Queens quite a number of years. I'm assuming there is a development fee for each year, so it should be easy to work out what we are actually due.
  14. Wishful thinking I would say, what kind of money is he going to be on. And talking of money and rumours I also heard something about players transport yesterday, but didn't believe it!
  15. The place is fair enough it's just some of the Neanderthals that frequent it that are the problem, along with the stewards and polis that do the square route of hee haw when fluids etc are throw at the away support.
  16. McShane has improved significantly year on year at the club. He's not the finished article but he's getting there. As midfielders go he's never going to be a player that dives into every challenge and kicks anything that moves, his game is about getting on the ball and finding passes to open up teams for team mates have made runs. His strengths are his willingness to be on the ball and his energy. It would appear that all our recent managers could see a player in him as they all give him plenty of game time. Playing along side the likes of McKenna, Millar and Burns in the middle seems like a good blend to me, one ball winner and one play maker. Love him or hate him I thing he's coming along fine.
  17. Not sure I fully agree about Reilly being terrible since Christmas, yes his goal scoring is well down in the second half of the season compared to the first, but his contributions to the team are still valuable. I would expect Lyle to say the same they have worked well for each other as a pair. As for Holt, he's come on a lot offensively and adds great energy to the team but defensively he has a long way to go. Their second goal was his fault on Saturday and I could see him really struggling against some of the premier league wingers next season if he goes to Dundee. We've been spoilt slightly recently with the crop of local youngsters who have come through the ranks and that's the way in football if some move on, hopefully there are others waiting to get their chanceand step up to shine in the first team.
  18. Do the club not get funding for the youths from the SFA as well as donations and sponsors from local businesses, where does that money get used?
  19. Surely they've got to be at least on the minimum wage otherwise it's illegal is it not?
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