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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/32371443 Fowler looking to fight to keep "key trio"
  2. Meggatt looked nothing like a premiere league player yesterday and was lucky not to get sent off before he was actually replaced.
  3. I think you could go on and win the cup, especially if Loy is back. Best of luck for the final.
  4. Great day for the Bairns, good luck in the final.
  5. Have I missed something, because I've not seen any figures just lots of assumptions?
  6. So SD are you implying that the wages of Queens players are "so low" that he wouldn't contemplate coming here?
  7. See that James Keating's is another that Hearts won't be offering a new contract to. He would be a good addition for us but don't suppose we could afford his wage though!
  8. The manager must think Hooper is a better prospect and he's probably a lot cheaper but yes you've got to kind of feel sorry for Mitchell.
  9. Aye all good stuff. Well for most of the season Eckersley has played left back for a team that scooshed the league, i'm just being reasonably realistic. Maybe you could suggest someone we could afford.
  10. Like you I have no idea what Hearts pay although I know they were in financial difficulties and I would expect their wage structure would have since been set to suit. What I do know is that Eckersley will not be at Hearts next season and we could offer him the opportunity to play at least at the same level he is now. My question is how ambitious are we as a club?
  11. Who said anything about competing with Hearts for wages, Eckersley will be without a club and I would expect we would negotiate his new wage if he was interested in playing for a good team at least at the level he is now.
  12. We've now all but mathematically qualified for the play-offs and get circa £245k for it added to the additional revenue we will have made this season from the visiting "big" teams, why wouldn't we be able to afford his wages. Presuming we lose a few in the summer, it will be interesting to see how ambitious as a club we are with the players we try to sign for next season.
  13. Just this^^^ Why they're probably all in on it. Just imagine if we where to get a points deduction for something like this.
  14. Found this on a Sevco thread, interesting stats.
  15. Hope we win tomorrow and put 4th place to bed as I'm note sure Livi and Alloa winning today was good for us as they will both be fighting for their lives when we play them.
  16. If Stubbs is wanted by Wigan, after our last two results we might be looking for a new manager soon!
  17. Don't see Holt going to Hearts, but I wouldn't mind Eckersley at Queens.
  18. Cheers, thanks for the info. So hopefully near enough a full squad for next Sunday, unless we pick up any others in the mean time.
  19. Didn't say I had an issue, I just asked if he wasn't usually the one who give out the news on injuries. He seems to be in the know and posts things early before they are public kknowledge.
  20. I thought you were the one who always give the news on injuries, no?
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