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Everything posted by bennett

  1. You don't think that fans of other teams are interested in competing for 2nd place? Strange that impression i get is the opposite of that.
  2. So i assume you're retracting your false claim that i said "that clubs are rejecting Rangers in order to enhance their chances of finishing second" which is utterly false? As i said before, stick to the facts and you can't go wrong son and no need for you to apologise either.
  3. A resignation from the old firm board thread, waiting to see if my new homes the 1st, 3rf or no league forum. Felt it was the correct thing to do.
  4. Thats a decent point actually, still 2nd place is a decent motivation for most fans whose teams rarely get that far.
  5. I was referring to fans rejecting us not other clubs for the 2nd place reason. Here is the quote .."2nd place is a great motivation = Euro football and possible increased crowds, if i was a fan of one for those teams i'd be champing at the bit for some of that" Next time take some time out and actually read the post before diving in head first. Next please.
  6. 3 posts Did you join follow follow, post that then rush over here to post it?
  7. 2nd place is a great motivation = Euro football and possible increased crowds, if i was a fan of one for those teams i'd be champing at the bit for some of that. Don't see how you connect it with contract regs though as rules are rules. We got liquidated and must pay the price, what problem do you have with that?
  8. Some bluff yorkshire fables no doubt. McCabes a tidy enough player and will end up in the championship probably.
  9. Their contracts are null and void, once a team is liquidated thats what happens. It's hardly f**king rocket science Albert.
  10. Why? No one expects them to stay, their contracts are null and void and i wouldn't blame any player for telling Green to do one. Next time check and see what our views are first before you make shit up about us.
  11. Hahaha you copied and pasted that from Ayr mad on the west coast boycott thread. Come on mate atleast try and think for yourself., it aint that hard. And for the record we were never going to be kept in the SPL, the other teams see the chance for 2nd place and euro football and i don't really blame them for taking advantage.
  12. A blind man and his dug could have told you that but the SFA and the SPL will as usual make an arse of it.
  13. Yes we should go in to div 3 but it's not our choice to make. Rangers will not be certs to win any league, right now we have no players at all and are fast running out of time and with yet more delays to the admin/liquidation process i doubt we'll be playing in any league this season. So calm down and stop being such a drama queen. Telt.
  14. Greens trying to flog some season tickets i see, media house has been hard at work again Wonder if anyone will fall for it?
  15. Not an expert but boots will keep your feet dry/er, give more support and grip than trainers. Sports direct has some decent prices just now. Definitley do some training if you can as i nearly killed myself a few weeks ago by being out of shape. Remember even in summer the weather can change quickly.
  16. Done Ben Arthur a few weeks ago minus the scary bit, a nice day for a walk but the first hill i've done in years and i felt it afterwards. Some nice views of loch long too. Really need to get back in shape as i enjoyed it and realised that i miss the hills and with no more fitba i need soemthing to do.
  17. Buy some ear plugs and stick them in your lugs at night, they can make all the racket they want and you wont hear them. As for the other stuff man up and smash them up
  18. Heard this on planet rock earlier and realised i hadn't listened to them in yonks. Classics never die.
  19. Here is the list of who used EBT's. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-18148818
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