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Everything posted by olliethedug

  1. Tommy is going to pick Mollie because he’s a total shite bag simpleton.
  2. She has absolutely no arse! Still wid though.
  3. I never knew James Tavernier was a fireman in his spare time.
  4. This is nearly as bad as the champions league final.
  5. Never mind this Joshua pish. What’s the story of the Dundee boys dad getting battered?
  6. And why are there loads of police standing in that tunnel?
  7. If I was ever going to breed Isla. I would pay good money to get Renton as stud!
  8. Isla enjoying the sunshine last week. Arlo chipped his tooth and it’s infected. He’s going to get it pulled tomorrow.
  9. We got Isla a wee pal last week. Arlo, absolutely mental!
  10. My wife does shite like that in the summer. 6pm blinds shut and a lamp on.
  11. Islas Mum has to go back to the breeder. She snapped at my daughter last night. Can’t have a dog you don’t trust in the house.
  12. I just went and got a sausage supper but I forgot to lift my bottle of curries red kola. Disaster!!
  13. The breeder wanted to re home Isla’s mum. So she now lives with us. Still a wee bit unsettled, but she is getting there.
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