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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. This. It's not inconceivable that there's only half of the 2020/21 side left by the time 21/22 commences. Effectively a new team.
  2. I do remember schlepping all the way to Kilmarnock, to hear the game was postponed as we sat in the pub, about 130pm. I also remember Davie Sinclair's turn in goal, and I remember us singing '12 points behind us, you're only 12 points behind us', until they looked set to win and we changed it to 10 points behind us... Anyhoo. I don't believe 20 year old history matters a lot and I dont agree we need to beat them twice there. Have faith in Raith.
  3. Whit? More hit and miss than the regularly infuriating Aaaaaarrrggghhhmstrong?
  4. I watched Ross Forbes in the League 1 playoff last night vs Edinburgh City. 2nd leg is on Thursday. He's not what we're looking for.
  5. I hear there are quite a few clubs sniffing around Tait and Armstrong. Armstrong has history of course, but Tait is under contract AFAIK. In my opinion, neither is as good as they think they are and both would benefit and develop enormously under the current management. Unless a Fulham type club is interested.
  6. Aye - John McGlynn. Did you see him staring, unblinking, until Lewis got up?
  7. Aaaaaaarrrgghhhhmstrong! Use of a dead ball is absolute dugmeat*. * if he scores a free kick later, I'll happily take this back.
  8. Say what you like about Mon-Dee (apart from calling him Mon-Dee, of course), I wouldnt hit him. He's ginormous!
  9. Ach, I never really thought it was a goer. A side put together to survive in the Championship and running out of steam vs the side with the league's best player. We gave it a shot. There's always next season.
  10. Kinda my point. Anyhoo, I'm off to watch the Dundee game [emoji6]
  11. All this "thank you" pish from half a dozen of the Dundee boys. State of it. You're all individuals.
  12. Forgive me not fully understanding your boardroom makeup, but who has given him this approval? Do your German overlords have voice in the current boardroom (I know they're getting more shares as time goes on)? If so, are they complicit in this decision? If so, is that not a bit of a worry?
  13. Is Crawford's club legend status tarnished by his completely meh managerial stint?
  14. Bad enough. McGlynn said in interview that he doesn't think Kennedy will make the Dundee game.
  15. No mention of the magnificent 2nd goal? Reminiscent of Lewis Vaughan’s Scottish Cup goal against you - 2 defenders bumbling alongside the striker until he wellies it from distance into the onion bag.
  16. I'd like a Bayeaux tapestry type affair wrapped around the town house, although as an idea, it might be a bit close to their beloved bed sheets.
  17. As a Raith supporter, the sight of John Sludden at Stark's Park used to fill me with dread. He always seemed to score 2 against us, although that may be the mists of time. If the opposition dread you running out at 3pm, you must be doing something very right. Commiserations.
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