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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. See when there's a howling gale blowing in your face and goal kicks keep blowing backwards, tell your keeper to stop trying to launch goal kicks up the park. They'll just blow back. And then in the 2nd half, when it's in your favour, try shooting on sight, like the opposition did to great effect in the 1st. That's how complicated it is.
  2. Arbroath seemed to manage just fine. You need to play the hand you're dealt. Bitching about it is just that - bitching. Bitch.
  3. Neilson demonstrating clearly he doesn't understand the laws of the game. A fud of a man.
  4. Nichts ein pelanty. Bounces onto his arm from his leg. Ref is a clownshoes.
  5. Musonda didn't look such a great acquisition on Wednesday night, culpable in 2 of the goals and generally ponderous with or without the ball. He started his time with us superbly but doesn't look quite the same player he was. See also Duku. Next year's contracts, away from Stark's, on their minds?
  6. We miss Hendry and Matthews but not as much as we will miss a better Centre Half.
  7. Weather in Kdy is brutal. Strong winds, driving rain and sleet and bloody freezing. Any better along the road? I wouldnt fancy being out in this for 90 mins.
  8. Sit doon. Arguably top three minteriffic episode in your tawdry history.
  9. Took it badly? Which one are you referring to - the triple whammy left in the bushes on the outskirts of town (pictured), the one your shock troops marched along the High Street with (I can't find a pic but I'm sure some will have) or the latest version, outside east end (also pictured)? Hilarious, uber minter stuff which deserves never to be forgotten. Thou doth protest too much. You big teams, eh?
  10. You still are challenging for 2nd. Dundee, as proven at Stark's today, are nothing fancy. Wee bit of perspective required mate. And this from Rovers chap.
  11. You're joint 2nd, 3rd on goal difference. Falling apart?
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