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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Aye, that's kinda what I meant. Quoted wrong post. No pre match interview yet this week makes me suspicious there's something to this.
  2. Er, if true we'll be due a kicking from authorities. Source?
  3. It's not a bad game, although Kelty just missed a good chance to go 3-1. Grantie on bench and Dougue Hill at CH.
  4. You must remember us. You gave us Craig Wighton on loan and told us he was the next big thing. He wasn't. He still isn't. He won't ever be.
  5. Keeper our best position? One very good, one I've never had confidence in and one who can never recapture the sheer majesty of his reign.
  6. Wee bit defensive. Dry your eyes sweetcheeks. It's just a bit of banter about your minter fans. It's not as if any of your mob would ever make a comment about "the Raith supporters" as if we were all one body. No, no.
  7. To be fair the winner was scored 1st half...
  8. 5 away from home in an ice monsoon against a team on a good run at a ground where we typically struggle. Home to a team struggling and getting horsed. Oh how very Rovers.
  9. Could we try crossing to a white shirt? Or into space to attack? Just not a yellow one.
  10. Easy. Tait has been pish. They've all been pish. Take your pick.
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