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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. I remember him getting hit with a snowball at the home end during a particularly wintry new year game at Le Parc du Stark.
  2. Might struggle to find someone with the language skills along in the old grey toun.
  3. The commentary team are top quality, as is the camera work. Easily equal to our own Raith TV. QOS with 1 decent defender - the rest look like the Keystone Kops.
  4. Twice he’s gone and twice we haven’t been able to say goodbye. We’ve had some arseholes over the years but I’m sure Grantie will always be remembered fondly.
  5. Yes, season ticket holders get away audio. Whether they're allowed into all the grounds this season remains to be seen though.
  6. Well, this has been a lot more comfortable than I expected. Are we better than we thought or are Arbroath pish?
  7. All this greetin' about Sow. It's not like he used to be great and this is a sudden and dramatic loss of form, is it?
  8. I think Pressley is trialling new top teeth. They're certainly not his.
  9. Man calling people "idiots" includes spelling mistake and made up word in one sentence. Idiot. *I do NOT believe the earth is flat. It's clearly more of a turkey twizzler shape.
  10. Clearly not clearly, otherwise no one would see anything different.
  11. Neilsen getting surprising level of benefit of the doubt on this, something I'm not sure his conduct and comments justify.
  12. I just spotted that too and I think that's exactly what he's doing, the rat.
  13. And we may have lost another player - Duku with a thigh strain at best, groin at worst. Thought we played quite well, all in all. Encouraging. Mannys goal though.....
  14. This. We'll all be paying for a stream of league cup games.
  15. No one who has that sort of money is going to put it into a football club these days without some mahoosive quid pro quo. And it's the quid pro quo that does the damage. Look what Anelka et al did with much less.
  16. I wondered the same thing myself and already fear we may not see him again. Colour me pessimistic. Still, we romped the league in 2nd gear last season so we know we can be successful without him. 'Mon!
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