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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. This thread though......ooft. Can we move on now that the bairns have been put to bed?
  2. My 700 year old what? Did you mean "you're"? That's why you should put the phone back in your satchel and pay attention to the teacher. That way you have an evens chance of not turning out a racist deadbeat. Although it may be too late...
  3. State of this roaster. One of the "young team", no doubt. Should you have your phone out at school?
  4. Just watched the highlights. Anyone blaming or berating Davidson for that penalty, or for "letting us down", needs to take a look at themselves. If Davo made the mistake McKay made for their 2nd he'd have been run out of town by now. How certain "supporters" of a team can have such dislike for one of their own players to suggest jettisoning him into the sea and other such pish is beyond me.
  5. Anyhoo, we could do with a decent signing rumour. It's middle of January, leaving 2 weeks + to bring in new faces. There's been nothing other than pure speculation and fantasy, a deliberate tactic to conceal targets I'm sure, but there's usually someone ITK cutting aboot by now.
  6. Of course they are. Anyone who thought he was on his way back to le Parc du Stark is smoking crack.
  7. Just watched highlights. Surely a penalty to us in 1st half? The felly goes straight through the back of Anderson?
  8. Callachan for Gullan would make sense in that case. If his shooting has improved.
  9. So with the Longridge rumour scotched, Brian Graham highly unlikely and Callachan possibly surplus to requirements, what other names are out there? And when?
  10. The only thing laughable, Frank, and frequently at that, is the claptrap you bring. And not laughable in a good way.
  11. I can't help but think your commentary might have been slightly different if your cloven-hooved horde had scuttled along into the light and pumped 5 past us at Stark's today.
  12. It was nowt to do with Brennan. Brennan was rooted to his line. Bowie connected only a few yards out and it flew off his bonce for a goal kick.
  13. Any Raith "supporter" booing at the end or indeed during the match today needs to take a good, long look at themself. We were all at sea in defence due to injury and self inflicted suspension and we had players out of position. We also had fewer options from midfield because, for example, Gando wasn't an out ball and McDonald couldn't make an overlap run. Other players had poor games but only the bar prevented a superb Dingwall goal and Bowie missed a sitter header. With all of these variables at play do you really think your bovine booing did anyone any good? Does it ever? What, precisely, were you complaining about? Bad day at the office. Still top.
  14. This. Indeed, still too many arseholes bouncing in here slagging McGlynn, his selections and his tactics. With half a team.
  15. If your auntie had baws she'd be your uncle. Mind you, she probably does and is.
  16. Come back when we've got the 5 starters who were missing today and you can donate yet another 3 points. You absolute circus clown.
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