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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. If Lewis Allan is the answer we've asked the wrong question.
  2. Boy in row behind me said no strips of any sizes in shop. Feeble.
  3. Strip looks much better in real life. Like it a lot. The navy back is the same as the front - it's the light blue swirls which make it look different. Nice one.
  4. Looks like random swirls too - look at the colouring behind the puma logo on the front of the 4 shirts - all look different.
  5. Was gonna go but deciding to watch the Ingerlund v Norway game. Will catch the pics when they're posted. Hope it's not like that daft Falkirk add-on sleeve nonsense.
  6. Remember when the Pars support were in the papers for racist chants and abuse of black players? Stay classy, you filthy animals.
  7. Missing the point that by mentioning it, advising that you have privileged information but not disclosing it, you are almost the very definition of ITK, and that's not a good thing.
  8. To be fair, he wasn't bad before he got his face kicked off. I guess that sort of thing might affect your confidence for a while. Maybe he's got it back. His confidence, not his face.
  9. Too many mongers of doom on here. Woe is me and Davo is shite and Nisbet is away and Gillespie too and why we signing boys fae Brechin? Short memories boys and girls - remember the apathy with which Nisbet's signing was greeted? "How we no sign Loy?" Give the manager a chance to work his chosen players into a unit. He's forgotten more about football management and coaching than most of us will ever know, so if everybody could just chill oot a wee bit that would be just Jim-dandy. Judge him and the squad after the 1st quarter.
  10. Nisbet was a 5 goals in 60 games man, or something stupid like that, before he joined us. Reserve judgement until they're actually playing. Sent from my SM-N950F using Pie and Bovril mobile app
  11. When is the big reveal? Bored reading about Falkirk and Morton's pissing contest.
  12. Tomato, tomato Potato, potato Let's call the whole thing off
  13. This. No time for romanticism. Delighted to have him as back up and coach but not 1st choice.
  14. What's MacDonald like? We've just got shot of a bomb scare on loan. Do we relax or maintain our levels of nervous tension?
  15. Pipe doon with your rumours. The facts are out there. And the situation is slowly improving. Sensible in the transfer market is essential though, rather than waste cash on haddies like Johnny Court, eh?
  16. Nat and Buchanan on bigger bucks by all accounts, so definitely sensible. Flanagan just not good enough so I hope we've exercised a 2 way release option in his contract. I'm sure JMc will have a list of people he wants so offloading big earners and avoiding another year's contract for Flanagan make a lot of sense. Does seem however we're gonna need players in every position.....
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