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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Not had a corner threat since Jock McStay, Marvin Andrews, Mark Campbell and Laurie Ellis, is what I meant to say.
  2. Entitled? I think many / most will have donated in good faith and wished the club the best, without much thought about what proof they will receive of how their money was spent. It was a donation, not an invoice. I donated, and if the club dodges or has dodged a bill and can keep the money, I know I've donated to the greater good of the club I choose to support.
  3. If it wasn't asked, how is it not transparent? It's just not asked.
  4. "Have to"? Kinda unprecedented times we're living in, Calderon.
  5. Actually a refreshing novelty for him to have just a niggling injury rather than a career threatening knee explosion.
  6. He seems to like scoring goals far away. Be handy for places like Greenock and Ayr.
  7. I can't understand why the shop has been so poor for so long. Years. I'm not privy to the details of contracts but it seems that, regardless of supplier, we have stock in and sold out right at the start of the season, then 8 months of stuff that no-one wants and the occasional raid on the squad used training kit. Ropey t shirt designs, very little of what would be popular supporting a team in Scotland (winter jackets, good fleece etc) but plenty brandy glasses. Other teams do it so much better - Ayr Utd straight off the top of my head - and we've never been good at it.
  8. I'm glad it made it through your sturdy skull, considering you originally said "they", meaning all, then concede that "they" didn't; indeed went further, to say it was obvious "they" hadn't. We do have a good midfield. We do have at least one good striker (the others are unknown quantities) and none of our players are worth the money the single (1) poster said he was. All fairly obvious? You klutz.
  9. Er, no "they" haven't. One poster speculated on the value of a player and has had his reality checked by many others. Similarly, comments made on midfield and strikers are neither collective nor unanimous. But never let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?
  10. I'm not an advocate of censorship, so I won't be telling anyone what to ask and what not to ask. But for anyone here to say he's shite is, unless they've seen him recently and on at least a couple of occasions, irrelevant pish.
  11. My point was the Pars fans citing opinions of a players performance formed 5 or 6 years ago as if they were current or indeed relevant is hardly worth the bother.
  12. Have any if you seen the nick of this arsetrumpet on twitter? Feel free to drop him a line.
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