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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Ya wee dick. Check your facts. We may be shite today but we're not full time shite. Must. Try. Harder.
  2. All these heads gone after one competitive match against a team we're not expecting to beat in a competition we won't win. We are a solid league 1 side. The sooner some people realise and accept that, the better. Come back after the 1st round of league ties is done.
  3. Didn't see him doing much defending, because of the stage of the game and us being on top, but he was quick, always looking to overlap and if anything, too keen to do so. Possibly left his position exposed by pushing on so much. But I wish we'd seen him earlier. Definitely promising and as someone has already said, LB is a position we don't have a lot of cover for.
  4. Pretty sure it took a deflection. Looked more like 40 or 50 yards from where I was.
  5. Just looked for info on Mathew Knox. He's allegedly a striker but has played since 2015 and not scored. Nothing. Zero. Nil. Zip. Nada. None. Not a sausage. Perhaps an unstriker would be a better description.
  6. Allan looked much better tonight. Agree with earlier post from varna - we've been playing well and the new boys all look pretty good. Surprised with the return of the trialist - did JMcG not say Allan made 21 players and that would do? What's the point of continuing on trial?
  7. When we announcing Lewis Allan? The suspense surrounding the identity of our new striker is killing me.
  8. He's still not answered my question. I think I've snookered him behind the pink.
  9. You've not answered my question Francis. Why "especially" me? Why me more than anyone else? You clearly don't know who I am.
  10. Have it on reasonably good authority (from a well connected Hibby at my work) that Lewis Allan is the new striker being named this week.
  11. Most people get it. Frank doesn't. His is a simple world.
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