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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. McGlynn was asked about the defence at the recent Q&A session - with reports of interest in Bene, did he think we were strong enough at the back? His response was that we defend as a team, not just as a back line. I disagree. We're not strong enough. I think Gillespie is a good player but how he played half his career at right back (according to JMcG) I'll never know. Both current full backs are slow to recover position and we are softer through the middle than we were. When players are out of position others can get caught out because they're picking up, hence Davo's mistakes seeming more prominent. I've never been convinced by Thomson, and like others I don't think the back 4 are either. Wright, Crane and McKay back in and a new right back please, although arguably too many changes. Gillespie back to midfield and Vaughan at front with Nisbet. It's not easy.
  2. Building his portfolio for the move I think. If he was gonna play like that every week I'd be happy for him to move on. Head is turned by the attention.
  3. John McGlynn blamed Hendry's injury squarely on the Forfar pitch. It has no bounce he said, and rapped the table with his knuckles to make the point. Ours has substantial cushion built in whilst Forfar's does not.
  4. I was at the back chaps, and there was no amplification. I was lipreading JMc most of the time tbh. 1 match, 2 match, 12 months, 12 years.....who knows?
  5. Forgot to mention, JMc said he was given a 12 month dugout ban for his part in the battle of New Bayview the other week. He immediately appealed and was therefore able to take his place in dugout at Queens Park match, given that Paul Smith was away getting married. JMc disciplinary hearing on Dec 12 or 13, cannae mind.
  6. Board member was challenged on that very point - McKinnon gave him a contract - and the response implied it was for peanuts. A higher rated player would have received more. We'll never know.
  7. In which case I'll have you down as the chap banging a solo drum about concerts.
  8. The club is more stable financially than it's been for a few seasons. JMc is happy with the squad he has but wants clean sheets. Bates was a disastrous deal. Vaughan was a disastrous decision, and down to Locke. There are plans to restore modern apprentices this season with probably 3 and possibly 5. Fife Elite will be be using Starks as their home ground and that brings c.30k into the club. Youth Development Fund being rethought. JMc is very confident in the team and trying to tie down NF and DA right now. DA was only given a short contract because the club weren't convinced about him. He's since played a blinder so they're trying to keep him. Hendrys injury at Forfar was down to the poor quality of their surface. Rod Stewart will not be playing gigs at Starks. I'm sure there was more - anyone else?
  9. Interesting piece of info on the David Bates saga tonight at the Q&A. A "horrendous" piece of business according to John McGlynn, and was made easier because neither McKinnon nor Locke rated Bates at all. At all. We are due and will receive nothing, but I think we knew that.
  10. Didn't know Leckie wasn't doing it. He's good. Stott, not so much. Agree Rougier is a bit wide of the mark - good player for a spell but Hall of Fame? I won't be queuing for tickets for the next one.
  11. We won't be scrambling. McGlynn kens. And we ken he kens. And he kens we ken he kens, etc.
  12. Bring in "non existent" players? Eh? The invisible winger? The phantom striker? Duggan showed his menace by fluffing the best chance he had. He's currently as thrratening as a sheep.
  13. We must have been at different games. Duggan, a threat? Man of the Match Wedderburn no good at CH?
  14. Was thinking the same today. He'll be a goner. Can't see how he would integrate now.
  15. I think he comes across a bit of an idiot. Tries too hard etc
  16. I didn't say give him the job because he comes across well on camera. I just said he interviews well on camera.
  17. Say one thing for Cat, he's giving the best Raith TV manager interviews we've had in a while. He's articulate, passionate, considered and, I think, honest. I think Ross Cty was a reaction, Brechin was very publicly demonstrating he wasn't afraid to change it and Montrose is a good chance to complete the set - win, lose and draw. Full house. Be interesting to see how Petrie sets Montrose out on Saturday as he's one I quite fancied to take over.
  18. Agree with this. Win on Saturday and I'll be astounded if they then hand the gig to someone else.
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