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Brashy's Boots

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Everything posted by Brashy's Boots

  1. Deflection. Picking holes. Avoiding uncomfortable truth. Arsemonkey.
  2. Interesting stuff Moonster. I don't think for a moment it's black and white but I'm sure our swift decline is wholly down to the manager's capabilities. If I was playing for him I'd certainly be fed up, like Davo and Thomson, never mind Vaughan.
  3. I accept it's speculation, but what do you think? That they think he's a fine bloke and he'll turn it round, securing our place in C'ship and therefore their wages and earning potential?
  4. I'm asking a question lelly. You've not been here long if you think that's one of the most ridiculous posts on the site. They're not Gods. They're human. If you had a job and had a chance to stick it to the boss, whom you weren't getting on with, would you?
  5. So let's say you're a 1st team player. You've no confidence in the manager, no belief he can turn it around and are now worried about relegation and the quality of your own performance. Tonight, are you gonna put in a blinder, because you're a pro and that's what you do, or are you gonna lose a yard here or there and maybe miss a tackle in the hope that if we get beat the manager might go?
  6. They're going out expecting to be beaten. As soon as the first goal goes in, they've been proven right and they give up. Zero confidence anywhere. That's the manager's fault. Zero confidence in the way they're set up. Zero confidence in the team selection. Zero confidence in the manager's ability to turn it round in the 90 and zero confidence that next week will be any different. The only way to break the cycle is to remove the root cause. Locke oot.
  7. Well that's encouraging at least. No doubt Cocke will consider him surplus then.
  8. ∆ dunno what happened there. Anyway, what's to keep Coustrain?
  9. Well they seem certain not to feature in this campaign. Despite Coustrain scoring and doing well against Ayr, he gets dropped immediately thereafter. We'd rather play youngsters of other clubs than our own.
  10. This will be good. Can't wait to see the list. Coustrain and Osei anyone?
  11. We seem to have taken the signing of another Garypal very well. Don't know anything about young Mr Syme other than the obvious but is it just me that's pissed off that we've signed what we gave to Rangers - a young defender? We could have, you know, kept the one we had? Another development player replaced by a pal of Gary. And where is the money coming from if no-one left last night? Do we have more money under the mattress than any of us think? I can think of a very clear, more pressing and better thing to do with any funds we have...
  12. Of course if this is Dunfy humour you will be hunted down like the dog you would be, and eviscerated by the roadside. Unfortunately, I'd already heard something V similar.
  13. This too is what we've become - hoping other, supposedly inferior teams get beat. Reality is we are just the same as them. Possibly worse, given where we started from.
  14. They were singing his name last night, FFS. Nae need. Get them playing like that in the league and all his troubles will be over.
  15. Rudi was a sub too. It was the other one who scored. Do keep up.
  16. What the actual? That'll encourage the rest of our shot shy attack eh? "He's the one player..." Apart from the fact it's utter pish.
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