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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Had a night out yesterday for the first time since the pandemic started and took around half an hour to get into a club due to checking vaccine passorts.
  2. Think a lot of SNP supporters would cancel their memberships if they put us in another lockdown. I don’t think another lockdown is coming as the SNP know they could lose a lot of support.
  4. Have a night out tomorrow night and tempted to sack the night out and stay in to watch this.
  5. Some fans on Facebook unhappy Cooper is playing over Souttar
  6. Really hope this glitch gets fixed in the next patch.
  7. You do wonder if SG are trying to kill off the hospitality industry by bringing in some more rules that will effect the hospitality sector even more.
  8. His documentary on the Boca/River Plate Copa Libertadores Final 2018 is still one of the best documentaries I've ever seen.
  9. Anything with Eli on Copa is worth a watch.
  10. The prospect of an extension to Scotland’s vaccine passport scheme will be of “significant concern” to the hospitality industry, Daniel Johnson warns. The Labour MSP says Mr Swinney suggesting it was a possibility was unfair on the trade given the controversy surrounding the introduction of the scheme. Mr Swinney says the Scottish government judgement on any extension will be “driven by the pandemic” with infection rates and hospitalisations key. The deputy first minister says the idea of being able to offer proof a negative lateral flow test for entry into hospitality venues is under consideration.
  11. Just hope they don't even dare to put any restrictions back in place.
  12. Deputy First Minister John Swinney tells MSPs that the most recent peak in new cases was around the start of September, and that since the spread of Covid has not reduced. He says the number of new cases is "holding at a concerningly high level", and he has reason to suspect case numbers may further increase in the weeks ahead. Because of this, he says he "cannot rule out strengthening the baseline protective measures" to "head off any prospect of future lockdowns". Measures the Scottish government are considering include: extending the Covid certification scheme (vaccine passports) to more indoor hospitality and leisure settings seeing how ventilation can be improved seeing how home working can be increased and seeing whether the use of face masks can be extended.
  13. https://inews.co.uk/news/scotland/covid-scotland-scottish-government-emergency-lockdown-powers-permanent-pandemic-1290559 f**k off Swinney.
  14. It will take a while for all restaurants to get back to pre covid normal for sure.
  15. Popped in to grab a McDonald’s yesterday. They wanted to me to do test and trace and had to wait until the self service kiosk was clear to place my order on the screen. Was only asking to take it away.
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