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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. Doesn't understand the principle of confidentiality ....yet wants to be a journalist Dearie me Russ
  2. ^^^ never made a false accusation in his life AA meetings are anonymised as you may or not may know In the spirit of your pseudo journalistic principles I have proof positive but can't/won't reveal them suck it up
  3. Emoticons are too subtle for me lol I am semi serious tbh because there have been some great drinkers who have accomplished great things in all walks of life . But these are few and far between . My point is why take the risk . In my experience when the chips are down and nothing they're doing is working they either resort to type , or quit. AJ ,AT and GL haven't exactly covered themselves in glory in management roles at the top level , where the pressure is greatest . And for an ex alcoholic to take on such a role without adequate back up and an understanding board risks a relapse . Does KFC at the moment fit both these criteria ?
  4. AA meetings in the board room ? Some people are happy to endorse alcohol abuse in the workplace and expect these people to function at the highest level . Never going to happen . Does it matter if your boss is a bit of a lush and can expect his " staff" to cover for him/her ? I have had first hand experience of these situations. Footballers look up to their peers and management figures . If they endorse alcohol through their actions and behaviours what can you expect of their charges? Are you happy enough for that to happen at your football club ?
  5. Alan Thompson the alky ? Alan Johnston the alky Lockinho the alky Repeating the sins of the past ?
  6. If we were " fucked" as some believe there would have been a battening down of the hatches , no new players , any agent worth there salt would not allow a player to come here,no sackings of managers etc etc . I've been to many an agm and can't remember too many £'s in the profit column . Granted that was before we went debt free and flying without an overdraft . An auditors report as some on here will know is a no nonsense look at the bare facts without taking into account the emotions that surround the company under scrutiny. Also rough figures from the present year won't be covered and I have to believe that the board have a handle on them . Until we have the full facts and the board answer the correct questions posed to them at the agm it's pure speculation
  7. Jim Mann is/was a nice guy but perhaps didn't fully understand the situation Killie are in and how to get a handle on it and turn it around.
  8. ..and the fact Brian Caldwell ex St Mirren is the general manager
  9. And I got a shot at the wife's away end last night .........doesn't make me gay
  10. Jackson Irvine reminded me of Bambi , all legs going at all angles . The boy could run all day , win balls on the ground and in the air but his final pass was shocking . Like every footballer there ever was there will be their detractors and admirers , from fans that purport to know a lot about football and those that just go for the enjoyment . Both opinions are valid IMO. He came on loan from cellic so I presume they were paying part of his wages and he may have been looked upon as low risk cheap utility type player , hence the readiness to use him in multiple positions ? He has undoubtedly improved at Ross County for reasons known to himself but that could be applied to many players who don't " make it " at one club but do so at another. GGH is a different matter , as many Dee fans will tell you , he excels in the dark blue on a regular basis , at Killie he was an enigma
  11. I've taken an instant liking for our new manager wrt his " cheap shot" comment aimed at the zombies . Doesn't he know that you don't criticise the " establishment"
  12. The words STV and understand don't sit well with me . Wouldn't have been my first choice tbf
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