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Everything posted by kennysmassiveego

  1. Don’t like McInness especially but I agree with his comments re the sectarian singing yesterday and “ it will be interesting to see if others get punished “ The more this is called out the better
  2. David Beckham gets into a taxi at Dublin airport , he sees the driver looking at him for about 5 minutes in the rear view mirror. Eventually the driver says “ OK give us a clue then ? ‘ Beckham sighs and replies “ well I had a glittering career for Man Utd , married a spice girl and played over 100 times for England is that enough ?” Drivers says “ no you thick c**T , where are you going !? ‘
  3. What’s the What’s the difference between the top and the bottom picture ? Answer it’s easier to put the mongrel in the top out of its misery
  4. In the hyper rarified atmosphere of English 1st and 2nd tier football SSC is not a stellar name , they seem to have the same manager carousel that we have , but with fancier names . I hope wee Steve from Saltcoats is too common for Mr Khan
  5. It’s s well known fact that only SSC can get him to play properly Slippy couldn’t get Messi playing good football
  6. The wife just asked me whether I love football or her most I said “ open your legs and I will show you “ she did and I nutmegged her
  7. This is the first time that this has happened but the site in unusable at the moment get it fn sorted guys
  8. What he really means is that Jamie is as soft as sh!te . Or put it another way his body isn’t genetically suited to playing on such a surface , rather like some racehorses
  9. Does Alan Power have a Scottish granny ? Edit .didnt think that through properly forgot the big Alky is still in charge , as you were
  10. Congratulations to anyone who watched the madeleines mccann documentary you spent more time watching her than the parents did
  11. IMO Macklin jumped on the anti MJ bandwagon to enhance her image in the town and possibly help with developments , she has done nothing in the past 2 years that refutes this opinion . She also doesn’t like playing 2nd fiddle to anyone .
  12. Just back from a holiday in Thailand and I came so close to shagging a lady boy !! Looked like a lady , walked like a lady , talked like a lady , kissed like a lady ....it was only when she drove me to her place and reversed the car first time into the garage first time I thought to myself ....hang on a f**King minute
  13. Whilst I agree with this statement it still doesn’t deal with the problem that’s confronting us today and smacks of deflection IMHO . The old firm have allowed these groups to have a greater say and influence in the clubs than any supporters group previously . Why doesn’t matter how they tackle it does . Tbf some continental clubs have similar problems with the ultras and I read that the Italian police take a pretty robust stances against them . But IMO it’s the clubs problem but we know the police here aren’t very proactive ..., see other thread
  14. Don’t worry lads you’ll get Hastie back for nought in a couple of years when they’ve ruined his development
  15. There’s the problem right there . 20/30 years ago there was no green brigade union bears etc until these vermin and there pseudo para military leanings are eradicated it will never fade . And only the old firm can do that , not the govt/SFA/SPFL
  16. I went up to a bird in a bar last night and thinking I was being dead smooth I said “ is that ladder in your stockings or is it a stairway to heaven ? “ She immediately replied “ yeah it is a stairway to heaven , but there’s already a c**t up there , os f**k off “
  17. I also like there optimism in that every team especially in the top 6 played exactly the same home and away games
  18. Fat Tam and his sidekick were relevant in the80,s tbf Tams taste in music is more 50,s or 60,s and at first I thought this was a put on just to be different but when he was questioned at a sportsman dinner he indicated it was genuine . As for Cosgrove his egocentrism about when he was big in London/channel4 pish is tiring. Having said all that it its better than the alternative. Just think what it would be like if we had to listen to 4 or 5 hours of Bonner, Miller , Young etc on a Saturday. The 3 that they are on is just about doable IMO
  19. See that word, it’s something Dele associates with dog food , a discussion is wasted on him/her
  20. My bad I should have had the foresight to say illegally bought but most neutrals already knew that tbf . ( for a definition of illegal see HMRC )
  21. Peter can’t afford to upset the loony fringe after not backing Rodgers with money for transfers. Like the cousins across the Clyde strong condemnation is all they’re able to muster
  22. Whereas all neutral observers recognise that at the very least 3/4/5/6 of the old rangers titles were worthless as they were bought
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