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Everything posted by malkyshotton

  1. Skyline Drifter doing a sterling job defending new security company, wonder if he's on the payroll?
  2. Always found some of the Stewards at Palmerston to act like bell ends towards Ayr fans. Although always found that some of the Ayr fans act like bell ends at most away matches.
  3. First time I went to Palmerston with new ticketing arrangement it caught me out and I was a bit annoyed at the time. But it was my fault for not checking not QOTS. I have been back since as it didn't put me off, I just had to get their a wee bit earlier.
  4. If, and it's a big "If" we get the right players in at January, assuming funds and the right players are available to Kerr then that would be our only realistic chance of a sustained challenge. Of course I am only basing this on last seasons downturn around Christmas time. All if's, buts and maybes.
  5. Anyway, back to the football, thought moff was unplayable yesterday. Best in the league imo by some distance.
  6. Shop opening times are on club website for fans to check. 12 o’clock on a match day is plenty of time for home and away fans to get tickets. Hundreds of away fans expecting no queue half an hour before kick off at a football club who clearly don’t take cash and then have to queue on the whole only have themselves to blame. Wish we’d stop moaning about as it’s not going to change. As has been stated numerous times on here it takes minutes to download the ticket on to your phone. And for those who can’t, get down to the shop just after 12 and you can get your ticket then.
  7. Same where I was standing. Might have been the odd heckle. Shame really cause if he had the same attitude as the above mentioned players he could go far in the game.
  8. Great to see Craig Moore scoring as he's had a hellish time of it. Bit of a howler from Doc and Doohan for Morton's equaliser, Some finish from McCowan and well done to McGuffie for not bottling the challenge and getting a wee bit of luck for his goal. Watched Mark Kerr's interview and he was buzzing as you'd expect. Also good to see him commenting on the injury situation and how we need to be realistic and manage it better than has been done in the last year and a half.
  9. Ayr don't have insurance for Murdochs injury as just after Murdoch was checking to see if any insurance he had would cover it. Don't know if it did.
  10. This has been talked about before on here. The price you pay for being in a diddy league although I was delighted when I travelled through to Dundee last season on a Friday night to see the honest men bum the tangerines/terrors/arabs or whatever their called.
  11. Does a player manager scenario ever work out well? Don't know the numbers but will give the guy a chance. He'll need to get some results pretty quickly though or the knives will be out.
  12. Feeling totally underwhelmed. Massive gamble. Hope it works.
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