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Lisa Cuddy

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Everything posted by Lisa Cuddy

  1. And to think they all doubted you! Well done.
  2. I'm not going to have sex with any of you. You may feel free to white knight ayrmad if you wish, starting now.
  3. You really can't see a difference between those two situations? That speaks volumes about your understanding and makes it clear why your opinion in the whole debate counts for f**k all, even if it were an issue that affected you directly. Thankfully.
  4. And herein is where you've failed to grasp the point. Medical professionals don't just give up because statistics tell them to. They would look at the individual in question, assess on that basis, and make decisions from there. They don't simply say they aren't going to bother. How do you think the research was carried out? The fact the mortality rate isn't 100% should have been a big enough clue.
  5. All the bits about the numbers, what they mean and their application to the context.
  6. If you understood said data, it would have a better chance.
  7. Wow. You looked up your own statistics this time instead of taking your own personal opinion based on one experience and applying it to everyone. You're still talking out your arse but I give you points for effort.
  8. At your age, that was going to happen anyway, so no harm done! All the best, lad.
  9. I do so love when old men turn up to school me on medicine and health care, especially when it's an old man trying to tell me about a women's health issue.
  10. No, they very much do as new research and evidence become available. I also have an issue with the poll options, since I'm here. None of them cover my views. A termination is not something I could ever do myself, however that does not mean I apply my personal stance to other women. It is absolutely a woman's right to choose.
  11. You're both wrong. The age of viability is established by research and advances in medicine that have given a baby born at 24 weeks a good chance of survival. We know those chances increase later than that, but we also know that a child born prior to that has a reduced chance of survival, and that if they do survive they also have a higher likelihood of a life long or life limiting condition related to prematurity. Did you actually think doctors just made that up?
  12. It can happen, especially when younger siblings come along or start reaching certain milestones that turn your attention away from the older. Go back to rewarding her like you did when you first started toilet training.
  13. Lean over the sink to brush your teeth and cough. Worked for me.
  14. Mine has been really bad in the last few weeks. It's been awesome.
  15. Nothing remotely interesting has happened since then, except maybe the spawn of Steve Owen knobbing the daughter of Phil Mitchell on camera for Phil to see, and even that was dull. You've missed nothing.
  16. I don't think you are, no. If you don't want her to be granny, she isn't granny. It's f**k all to do with her.
  17. Everyone is missing the point here. Why drive into that space without carrying on into the space in front so it's facing the right way? What a c**t.
  18. Stick stick stick stick, stick stick stick stick, stick stick stick stick, sticky sticky stick stick.
  19. You're right that it's a 12 lead ECG, but two of those leads are doing the work of two leads, so there's only 10. 4 limb leads, 6 on the chest.
  20. Are you just trying to make him look for an extra 2? There's actually 10.
  21. Well thank f**k that's over, Mick's still alive and Phil got his finger out his arse. That was seriously starting to piss me off.
  22. Asda had that today. Even though they've got no fucking milk either.
  23. Was in Tesco yesterday and still no bread or milk. What the ever loving f**k is that about?
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