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Lisa Cuddy

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Everything posted by Lisa Cuddy

  1. Not especially. I work in palliative care so I concentrate on relieving end of life symptoms and not smothering them with pillows.
  2. You bump into each other because you tell each other how good and virtuous you are. The truly altruistic don't feel the need to tell anyone. You're assuming I'm a c**t because I don't do these great things. In truth, you think I'm a c**t because I DON'T TELL EVERYONE what things I do. I think you're both c***s for doing these things so you can tell everyone you do them. You go f**k yourself
  3. So he used to PM you all the good things he did off his own back for his local community? What a truly selfless, altruistic character. He's basically Bono.
  4. Here, throbs, while this is probably true, please stop saying it. You're taking all the fun out of it.
  5. Atrol. That's one for the parents among us. Actually, that'll bring the kids in. Best not.
  6. Yep, yet another return of an old character. Yawn.
  7. No, Wilmott Brown raped Kathy years ago, back when Eastenders was a new show.
  8. Picking up my brother in law from the airport and dropping him off at Adam's, birthday late lunch/early dinner with some friends at Bierhalle. Hopefully home and in bed by 10pm but I'm doubtful.
  9. It will, but you don't need the added stress and guilt of knowing you scared him off as well. Lots of kids have lone parents, he's not going to be alone in that. He has a family that worship him, and that will be enough to get him through.
  10. You leave well alone and let him and Ben's mother deal with it. They're adults, they made him, entirely their business.
  11. Christmas doesn't start until after my birthday. So I'll be back with this on Tuesday.
  12. I've just caught up on about 20 pages of this thread. I only skimmed through and read most of it through my fingers to be honest. Jesus.
  13. PB, I never had the testing, but I have been through the D&C and want to wish your partner all the best and give you both my sympathy and empathy. It was easily the worst experience I've ever had and I feel for anyone that has to.
  14. I bought a new car recently and I've been waiting for Sunday ever since so I didn't have to learn how to change the clock.
  15. She really is. I've met her and her kids a few times. You could do a lot worse than take advice from her.
  16. I've been twice. Mine are too old now. I would have offered to take yours but I'm guessing you're kind of keen then?
  17. You HAVE to go to In The Night Garden Live. It's fucking awesome.
  18. She's had about 3 new voices now. The little girls providing the voices keep growing up.
  19. Got shot of me? Other way around, mate. Any many would be lucky to have me. And many have.
  20. I'll say "tattie" as much as I want and you, sir, can go f**k yourself.
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