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Lisa Cuddy

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Everything posted by Lisa Cuddy

  1. I can't really remember if I'm honest. It was a week or two before I could sit comfortably but new babies keep you so busy it's all a bit of a blur now. Certainly way before my 6 week check up I was OK but I couldn't tell you exactly how long it took.
  2. I thought it was rubbish. Stick to doing Live Forever the way God (Noel) intended.
  3. Ian's going to be well pleased. Masood knobs his ex wife and is now going to nail him mum too.
  4. You're right there. Can't get it replaced until tomorrow now. I now also need to call a plumber as my children insist on arsing about with toilet paper and have blocked the fucking sink with it.
  5. Indeed, but I don't have a jack. Spare is now on but I still need to go to KwikFit to get the burst one repaired and back on.
  6. I told you you could only take photos if you didn't share them on here.
  7. Burst a tyre because I kerbed the car like a fucking arsehole. Waiting for the AA to come and rescue me. I wouldn't mind but I'm stuck outside a fucking primary school. The janitor has already come and asked me if I'm alright and locked the gates. FFS.
  8. I actually knew the answer, I just wanted to make you say it.
  9. Her nails are shite. She should be directing her anger at whoever did those for her.
  10. Mine is off today as well. He's been coughing half the night, dead tired in the evening but still well enough for school during the day. He couldn't get himself moving at all this morning so I called in work, phoned the school, gave him calpol. Now he's bouncing off the walls. Just tell yourself it's the calpol that's made him feel better and he really is still poorly!
  11. Well you managed to impregnate someone so it isn't necessarily a hindrance.
  12. That's only 4. You have to say "Candyman" one more time before he comes. Aw, f**k.
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