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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. It's the heretics who think the World Turtle is called Great A'Tuin that infuriate me. When we all of us good and educated people know Her name is Susan.
  2. An object lesson in age having no bearing on accuracy. Not sure about anyone else but I reckon there are a few inaccuracies here in describing the Ecumene.
  3. Keith like BawJaws is a populist win at any and all costs vote whore. Writes Williemillersmoustache in Pie and Bovrilian
  4. If only it was just Keir Starmers rhetoric and not his policies and the utter horsehit the rest of his horrible race baiting degenerates come out with to defend them.
  5. Written very much from the viewpoint that England should just try taking us for more walks, change from tinned to dried foods and then wean us off the treats. At no point in these articles, even the ones wanting to be conciliatory is there any mention of how they might gain our consent for these ideas, other than rolling up a newspaper and bopping us on the nose with it. Patronising b*****d's.
  6. Not until Salmond buggers off. He's not just toxic he's radioactive voter repellent and quite right too.
  7. Look at those bad foreigners arresting journalists covering protests. Shocking.
  8. This is geography not politics. The British Isles ≠ Britain. But as with so much of the "story of Britain/UK/this deeply screwed up archipelago, there's enough constructive ambiguity thrown around to cover up or sidestep tricky bits of history/uneasy arrangements I suppose I should forgive some level of general ignorance. But nah.
  9. If there's one thing that I am utterly contemptuous of it's strident unionist opinions from folk who don't have the first fucking idea about the constitutional make up of the place they live.
  10. It's articles like that that ensure I'll never give the guardian any money ever.
  11. I don't think that's terribly fair. I think the strongest argument (other than the inability or denial of the right to hold a referendum) for using the GE as a de facto referendum is its not as if Scotland voting on masse for any other policy area, defence, immigration, finance, foreign affairs makes the blindest bit of difference either. Its not like if we vote on "the real issues" as the f**k faced servile little gremlins in the unionist parties will no doubt campaign on and assert the election is really about they'll go "gosh, Scotland wants control over immigration or PR in the commons, let's do that then" is it?
  12. I think we're back to @Paco's grim but pretty spot on commnent that it will have to hinge upon a fluke of parliamentary arithmetic. In the meantime there's nothing else to do but keep going. Its not like any other party are offering anything that might tempt the people who deserted them in favour of the SNP. Vote for us for something shite because we're using votes elsewhere to stop you from voting for something better, isn't a good enough reason to vote for something shite.
  13. I sympathise with this view, it's totally ridiculous to use a multiparty vote to decide a single binary choice but you have to piss with the cock you've got. I heard loads of the tory and labour talking heads on Wednesday saying it's not up to the SNP to decide what the election is about but the people. Weird how nobody asked any of these characters, what if they decide to make it about independence?
  14. "Silent majority" is just code for "imaginary voters upon which my argument depends." Carry on.
  15. House word salad. Covered in house word salad dressing.
  16. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.
  17. You've already had the immigration questiond explained to you. The SNP policy is different in 2 ways. 1) The restoration of freedom of movement. 2) Non EU migration determined by the needs of the people who live here and not the insane screeching of GB news about England being full. On brexit, we know what his policy isn't. It's not the single market, its not the customs Union and its not freedom of movement. So we can say right away that it is idiot fucking nonsense. The UK will never have a stable relationship with the EU that doesn't involve single market membership. It's impossible for a whole host of reasons not least Northern Ireland, another part of the UK the current British Labour and Unionist parry couldn't give less of a f**k about if there are frother votes in Englandshire to chase. Someone mentioned the non codified nature of the UK constitution and this is a good point. This whole farrago and it is a fucking horrible mess is just yet another example of the "good chap" system of government falling down the second it makes contact with a c**t, with a plurality of English votes behind it. There are no rules, the UK is a midden failed state, with only democracy for some, if at all. As for the house jock comment, I've tried not to use it, despite doing so frequently in the past. It's not racist. But it is highly offensive. There is no racial component to this modern Scottish version but it is derived from those slaves prepared to inform on their fellows, lick boot, tug forelock, scrape and bow for the chance to move into service in The Big House with the quality, where they dream of one day pouring the tea, washing the clothes and emptying the chamber pots of their masters. Abandoning who they are and where they came in the process. Like Lindsay Hoyle or any member of the Scottish accounting unit of the Labour Party. So highly offensive but the most apposite 2 word description in the history of politics and while I try not to use it myself, mainly to avoid the sort of idiot rasper comments above telling me it is racist simply because of its history, despite the obvious lack of any racial component, (does Dobbie the House-Elf make JK into Bernard Manning?) you should know I absolutely am thinking it when I consider those servile creatures who'd rather wipe the arses, iron the shirts and deliver the breakfast trays to the owners, than live in the house themselves.
  18. The BBC have been given permission to report on this. She's fucking fucked. Great.
  19. It was a totally different SNP, he went to a different school, you wouldn't know him.
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