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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. At elections, maybe. Functionally, practically speaking no. As we've seen so often looking acting and being the worst c***s imaginable seems to play quite well for them. These are after all the people who Lied to the Queen!!!! and would have been calling for beheadings and the tower were it a Labour leader of the house. Reckon they think they can ride it out at election, hide all the Covid thievery, promise billions for those good constituencies who vote Tory, tax cuts for everyone and claim Keith has a French birth certificate.
  2. Sorry I meant 98 deliberate abstentions not paired with another, definitely some and not an insignificant number but not enough. And not nearly enough of the servile little cretins had the testicular fortitude to vote against.
  3. I'd be very very surprised if this isn't pairing. Certainly there weren't 98 Tory abstentions.
  4. Raging at the First Minister of Scotland meeting important people who have come to Scotland and given her a nice present.
  5. Imagine what a repulsive danger you'd have to be to drag the corpse of your dead-by-her-own-hand wife out to hide behind when your tawdry little backhanders come home to roost. Of course I have no evidence of this but Patterson looks like exactly the kind of b*****d who'd put a bottle a gin and a tub of pills down on the dinner table and say "sorry darling, you know I love you but I need you to do this for me." Depressingly predictable result, only brief highpoint was a really very assured speech by Bryant putting most of the nonsense the tories dragged up in defence of this spectacle into the bin. And Wishart saying they'll play no part in this nonsense whitewashing committee, although when Leadsome said how disappointed she was in him apparently calling into question her integrity I'd have liked him to have intervened to say "too fucking right." f**k the UK. Joke country.
  6. It is interesting to note that Randox, which has done awfully well out of the pandemic, is one of the two businesses Patterson was lobbying for but this report doesn't even touch on its work during covid. One can only hope John Whittingdale, who scuppered Levenson in a deal to keep his whore/mistress out of the press and who benefits so generously from the Russian oligarch Dymtro Firtash will get to the bottom of this.
  7. Celtic: The Baboon. Powerful, aggressive, prideful with a strong sense of community but an unfortunate tendency to show their arse. Dundee: The Grouse. A fat pointless bird all too often confused with its more notable cousin which has brighter plumage. Livingston: The Rat Snake: A highly effective constrictor, squeezes the life out of everything but no teeth. Hibs: The Urban Fox. Wrongly considered to be a cool species but actually quite filthy and invariably found going through your bins. St Mirren: The Zebra Loach. A stripey bottom feeder that rarely troubles the larger fish above but can be highly aggressive toward other species which scuttle around in the depths. St Johnstone: The Labrador. Cute, loyal and very likeable but ultimately its impossible to respect something that spends much of the day licking its own arsehole Dundee United: The Pheasant. See Dundee. Motherwell: The Pit Pony. An amiable and hard working beast that's never too far away from getting put down. Ross County: The Narwhal. Northern mammal. Bit of a curiosity and considered to be very sociable but capable of inflicting devastating injury. Hearts: The Gannet. Another urban scavenger most at home at the seaside (leagues). Experts at diving. Aberdeen: The Bull. Majestic, handsome, virile, powerful, tasty, iconic. Traditionally sent to the big city to get slaughtered. Rangers*: I don't know. No-one likes wasps. Wasps are horrible nasty little c***s. Wasps then.
  8. This is a joke country, run entirely for and by c***s update:
  9. The so painfully obviously astroturfed campaign for a net zero referendum getting top billing on the Beeb now too. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/the-brexit-dark-money-lobby-has-a-new-target-climate-change-action/
  10. Hilarious quantities of Andy Burnham across the state broadcaster and other channels today. Can't think why the jumped-up right-wing Brexit-humping migrant-hating town crier and clear threat to Sir Quiche is getting so much exposure.
  11. Morrisons have now apologised and immediately "corrected the error" thus proving once and for all the bawbags in this discussion are the people getting annoyed at the people getting annoyed at all of their foodstuffs being emblazoned with a flag most commonly associated with genocide, concentration camps, Geri Halliwell and rangers. Once and for all.
  12. As we can see gammon is already quite salty enough without any of your filthy EU muck.
  13. If you make a claim it is up to you to provide evidence in support and it is considered very bad form and poor internetting etiquette or internetiquetteᵀᴹ to demamd others seek out contradictory evidence to disprove an unevidenced claim that you have made. Very disappointing of you and may God have mercy upon your soul.
  14. At least they have decency to claim they were hacked rather than pretend a song is fine because they put some different words to it a while ago and there was simply no other music available.
  15. On top of the fact she probablydefinitelymaybe travelled to Glasgow by nuclear submarine then coal powered traction engine.
  16. Well, you've let me down, you've let your friends down but more importantly you've let yourselves down.
  17. #Marr saying how shocked he was that despite all the newspaper stories, Glasgow wasn't looking like a rat infested rubbished strewn shitehole but actually rather clean, nice and friendly.
  18. I'm a big fan of this podcast anyway and would highly recommend it but, Joyce McMillan eviscerating Starmer and Labour around 34 minutes in this week is particularly pleasing. https://www.thebiglight.com/talkmedia
  19. The Super Grand High Wizard Association of Loyal Lodges of Narnia have demanded Susan Aitken allow 9 separate marches to be held there next year.
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