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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. I'd just like to update my "no, of course not" to "absolutely no way, never, f**k off" thanks.
  2. Always good to keep this handy in case someone escapes from the Daily Mail comments section.
  3. All the very worst c***s in British public life out in force this morning, cunting away about the bad EU, illegal people and the French not tidying up their mess or managing the border and refugee crisis we've played no small part in creating for them.
  4. I've been to Dubai, and should you wish you can get a tan, a decent drink and a top notch meal. But it is too hot, only the mad and the poor step outside during the day and I can tell you that it if you need to air condition your bus shelters then your city is in the wrong place.
  5. It would have been nice of her but the idea Nicola phoned me up to offer advice on infection control is pretty wild, when I have been living with two doctors, one of whom was undergoing chemotherapy at the height of this shambles. Perhaps I should have listened to that guy who runs a pub in Essex, or asked a lollipop lady or read the back of a packet of fucking frosties to form my unthinking opinions on the subject. Also, Ice cream vans in Greenock must be very different to the eens we have in the East. Someone should tell the local public/environmental health team about that.
  6. Oh I think you do. Otherwise you wouldn't constantly be telling us, at length a) how little you care or b) how nobody is allowed to question you.
  7. Well as a mere muggle and not a professor of the dark arts like you I'll just have to take your word for it. Or listen to folk who are qualified in a relevant field instead, who know how to spell parroting.
  8. Like flies upon shite. The contempt I feel for these people knows no bounds.
  9. Can't believe you'd post this. What are you trying to achieve??????? Blah d-di di blah blah fucking blah.
  10. I doubt anyone has repeated anything as many times as you and "moonhowling" at any SNP dissenter, but whatever man. We are both quite literally typing posts in the same thread, with one of us criticising others for...... typing posts in the thread. On the same page that you are criticising the same for poster for posting. Breathtaking. And what does posting shite like this do for you?
  11. Isn't it odd with BawJaws shitting himself in public on a daily basis and his henchmen and women finally seeming to lose patience, HM BBC are doing an outside broadcast and on location special on when is that bad Nicola going to jack it in? b*****ds.
  12. You can argue, ineffectively in my opinion, about the impact of the virus now with such excellent vaccines and their uptake/delivery but to suggest covid is largely non problematic is barking.
  13. Thing is I don't believe the Scottish Government are that cynical and while i agree with some of the concerns over vaccine passports i think they are slight compared to the harm caused by the unvaccinated getting infected, hospitalised and placing a burden on services. Not everyone is at it. Some people, like me for example, genuinely believe that things like masks are supported by decades of infection control research and clinical best practice. Because they are. Passports are more tricky and I accept quite a lot of the concerns about civil liberties but, in the round I'd rather the unvaccinated were strongly encouraged to get the jag and if it has to be that way, prevented from attending some high risk venues and events. In the same way we don't let folk drive without a seatbelt or ride a motorbike without a helmet. I'll get pelters for the seatbelt comparison but I'd just like to make it clear to the "main players" on here who will lose their minds at that comparison that they can suck my balls.
  14. Similar to the right wing campaign to vilify GPs it is remarkable that giving a f**k or "caring" is now being portrayed as a negative trait in a national leader.
  15. The only thing worse than the Tories talking about turning boats around mid channel is those spineless fucking monkeys in the Labour party who just can't say we need safe routes for asylum seekers in case they offend the brexitcunts in the Norf of Englandshire.
  16. 27 human beings drowned in the channel today due to there being no safe routes for asylum seekers to enter the UK Not looking forward to the fucking howlers and frothers blaming the French.
  17. "No skateboarding or inline skates" just like Auschswitz smh. WHEN WILL WE LEARN!!!!!!!!!
  18. Not one but two shocking security failures from United here. Being unable or it would seem unwilling to provide basic services to ensure the safety of visiting teams must lead to severe sanction. I demand further apologies and think we must be in points deduction territory here.
  19. Other than Brexit BawJaws hasn't had to deliver any of the policies he was elected on thanks to Covid, until now. And it looks very much like he's failing to deliver on all of them, and more importantly he doesn't seem to be able to spin shafting pensioners, the channel boats crisis, the levelling up and railway betrayals, and so forth as massive wins. He is undoubtedly losing his touch, is putting the b*****ds iron grip on power in jeopardy and I can see him getting knifed in the back sooner rather than later tbh.
  20. Bah. I hope the Dandies have all been up at Cormack Park training like mad with the finest of martial arts specialists to perfect the surreptitious punching of these guys in the dick.
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