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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. The chances of an "alas!" pre-pmqs prime minister positive PCR are growing by the second.
  2. Not putting up a minister for the breakfast news slots, is not a good sign. As enjoyable as it is to see the fluffy racist b*****ds premiership in tail spin, it does feel a bit dirty that this is only coming out now, drip fed to suit some other b*****d in the Tory parties evil plan.
  3. *sucks air through teeth* ooh careful now, they don't like that one. Not when they don't want anyone thinking they'd been told what to do.
  4. You should just f**k off. If there's one thing that's universally true is that Covid hasn't been fine. It's been really quite shit.
  5. My mask fits over my ears so I don't have to drop everything.
  6. I assume you can google ableist, so you could post from a better informed place? And it is genuinely hard to imagine how selfish you'd have to be not be arsed to comply, and take a weird pride in not doing so, with such minimal restrictions on your life, as we have now in the knowledge that it will impact on others. Not to mention how incredibly hypocritical it is to endlessly wang on about excluding people and a two tier society when your recommendation is for the vulnerable or those that live with or care for them to just stay at home. That's a really awful if highly revealing post. Ugh, imagine being you.
  7. Yes you must have, I hope that will spur you on to redouble your efforts to comply with the regulations in the meantime.
  8. I have I just disagree. With. YOU. Another cracking speech, what a leader.
  9. I think you will find I did and that I have. But that doesn't give you the cozy feeling of it will all be over soon so you wail like a massive wean. Not so long ago Boris was being praised for removing all restrictions in the summer because doing so in winter would be mad. And yet here we are demanding all restrictions be removed in winter. Some discrepancies there methinks, perhaps you should have thought this through a bit more? Also, how about St Swithens Day? That's a nice sounding day.
  10. Well it's a comforting fiction to say it will be all over by Christmas or some other magical date but that would be dishonest. Which is no doubt why you feel so drawn to the idea of populist and arbitrary lines in the sand. Maybe if you washed your hands, wore your mask and generally did as you were told it will be over a bit sooner? Try a bit of that in between your rants about hand sanitiser and Hitler.
  11. I cannot believe we've gone through the last 2 years with some people still thinking it's ok to go out and infect others. If you ever want to know why some of the time authorities seem to be speaking down to you, like some of you are idiots, you can always pop in here and see why.
  12. I didn't say "hearing someone cough." I said if you sit down next me coughing your balls up. But before we go any further I am glad you're on board with not going if you are symptomatic. That's nice to see.
  13. No, I'm saying you shouldn't need restrictions and rules to say don't go to a public event if you're not well and symptomatic. Same with going into the office and soldiering on if you've got the lurgy. People will hopefully grow out of that on their own. Put it this way, if you sit down next to mecoughing your balls up at the football, i'll move. If it's sold out (unlikely for Aberdeen right enough) and I can't move I'll do my best to get you moved. Folk want to be treated like adults and respected to use their common sense. Not going to the football when you are ill is that. I honestly don't see the issue here.
  14. The NHS has been under pressure for most of the year (last 2 years). Not just this winter. I'm sorry you have a different opinion to mine but if you're looking for a Freedom Day and definitive point when we can all say this all over I reckon you will be disappointed. Hopefully we won't need any restrictions next winter but we can't say that now.
  15. Well accepting that if you are unwell or symptomatic you shouldn't go to a public event and even if you are fully vaxed you don't want to get Covid, I'd want the NHS to be in a better position, I'd want case numbers and hospitals numbers to be lower. Probably/hopefully in early spring. I'm not going to give you a date.
  16. It was an answer to should you go to the cup final if symptomatic and the answer is no. The bold section was simply a little joke to suggest you wouldn't need a cough to be thought of as a c**t but I see that's fallen a bit flat. Nutshell: Symptomatic? Cup final? No.
  17. No. That's a ridiculous and typically hysterical thing to say. "all plans, for the rest of time" Jesus H.
  18. Well not in your case because of a pre existing condition. But generally speaking of course it does.
  19. What lockdown? Not going to a public event when you're snotting and sneezing on others is not a lockdown. If folk want to know when we can go back to the good old days when you would go to work, the office, the train, the cinema, the bus, the football and sweat and hack and cough everywhere i hope the answer is never. I doubt that will need need restrictions in the medium term but it will just become unacceptable.
  20. I almost take your point but is the bar now set at "not seriously harming people" is bad but just harming would be ok? Even fully jagged up you don't want this virus and it's not on to be taking that risk with other people's health. Also some people can't take the vaccine, others can but are still at an increased risk of serious illness despite getting good effect from the vaccine. No. This is what we need rules and restrictions for. If you test positive before a final then that's fucking rotten luck, but also just tough.
  21. If you know that you are positive and symptomatic and you go to a public event like a cup final you are either an idiot or a c**t. And people, especially you I think, get all arsey about being spoken down to, not being trusted to do the right thing and use their common sense.
  22. Hoping for yet more first class leadership, a steady, resolute but compassionate hand to guide the nation through these troubling times with an approach which demonstrates not just an intuitive grasp of the myriad issues at play but which shows that she really understands her people and cares deeply for them. I doubt I will be disappointed and we'll see, to the consternation of some, precisely why she was returned to office in such resounding fashion, on a veritable tsunami of support and dare I say it love from the electorate mere months ago. Gawd bless her.
  23. You won't chase me off the forum as you try to do with others just because I don't clap like a seal every time you post something fucking ridiculous. Sorry chum(p).
  24. It was totally possible, would have saved thousands and thousands of lives. But whatever. Enjoy your Richard Tice and other such ridiculous hideous dangercunts.
  25. You're oh so close to getting it, I wonder if you will? Banning "Chinese folk" is obviously racist. Banning people travelling from China, not racist. And while we are here: New Zealand deaths from Covid 19 : 44 "bUt RaCiSm" tho. Do you think 9000 or 150,000 is a smaller number than 44?
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