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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Our cosplay PM is going to attempt to be taken seriously and address the nation(s) in an hour. 1 global crisis with a stratocunt in charge is unfortunate, 2 is beginning to look like divine retribution.
  2. Another unwise late night foray into the artisan meths collection results in sharing the guy who believes Scotland must stay in the UK as we need them to use up the excess energy we produce.
  3. There will be a lot of bollocks and wordballs spoken over the next few days but Sky's Stuart Ramsay in Kiev just described the situation as "Chaos Alert Status Red"
  4. Europe is on the precipice of war, the ruling party of the UK is awash with Russian money and influence, London is widely regarded as the money laundering capital of the world but but but slavers about a chat show. Strong murdered MPs in England "BUT AN EGG" vibes here.
  5. The only tiny little smidgen of relevance Salmond has now is as a ludicrous distraction for the Tories when asked where their funds come from. Embarrassing.
  6. Hopefully she's in good spirits and reading Tin Tin books so we're just a few days away from the TV and radio being completely insufferable for a period of 18 months. Gawd blesser.
  7. I suppose it's not people being unwilling to follow the guidance that's the problem. It's people simply being unable to.
  8. Tausendjähriges Reich I serve the Soviet Union HAIL HYDRA!
  9. If a nonagenarian can do it, it isn't a real job and if it is a real job you'd be absolutely fucking mental, and more than a little bit cruel, to expect a nonagenarian to do it.
  10. McGhee already losing his rag in the pre-match interview.
  11. Alternatively, lifting all the restrictions as it rubs out the head of state is going to be a tough PR job.
  12. So that'll be the fourth consecutive lot of fans whose side we haven't beaten having a heads gone for absolutely no reason at all. This must be from the training footage all games have? Doesn't look like a mobile and I agree it is impossible to convulsively prove one way or the other BUT.... It looks on side to me and a poor call from the linesman. *kaboom*
  13. It's the footage available. No need to go all bellingcat. Looks on side to me tho.
  14. I want to live in a world where it is the ludicrous content of unionist arguments that give me a headache and not the design of their memes. Like this stoater.
  15. Leaving aside the fact we'd be 2 goals and a man up at half time, imagine how banal and tedious Scottish Football would be if it wasn't so dirty and so very badly officiated.
  16. What's the point of that? If it all goes McGhee up from here then fans of all the 4th bighest clubs down and the ugly sisters. will have a right laugh. And rightly so.
  17. Lifting 20 quid out your pocket with one hand, while giving you a paper cup of soup with the other. So, so very Tory.
  18. ‘what fucking lies you’re going to be telling on TV tonight, you fucking lying bitch" Fair comment defence corroborated by all the fucking lies she has told on the TV, m'lud. The gendered language is unfortunate though, I'd have gone with "arsehole"
  19. It will seem only a few pages long until you relax your eyes and try to focus behind the thread and WOAH!
  20. Fans of yet another team we haven't beaten detonate their craniums for no apparent reason. Some bizarre but enjoyable solace in these trying times for the Dandies.
  21. No better than the English talk radio DJ's who claim some kind of kinship and pontificate at length on their deep insider knowledge and understanding of Scotland because they once went on a holiday to Girvan in 1973.
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