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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. I think that's often difficult to achieve particularly with co-morbidity but sure.
  2. I can imagine and remember the FM making this point on Friday, if that helps? In between all her "waffling and loving this" of course.
  3. Needing Labour votes to pass the Covid bill and losing or only narrowly winning the by-election next week is far more likely to do for him. Who does and who doesn't show up to campaign in Shropshire this week will be more indicative of how fucked he is and how soon.
  4. You say he is the right person to lead the country, can you list his attributes? -"He is the Prime Minister, he is the leader of the party, he has an 80 seat majority"
  5. That was true pre-2019 GE but not now, those muppets down south did elect him, in a ridiculous fptp system but, elected nonetheless. On the other stuff I agree. He's as bad as the Republicans letting Trump be their nominee. A mass failure of standards and a total capitulation to populism which has cost the lives of 10's of thousands.
  6. "I can confirm to you this morning there are cases in hospital with Omicron" - Na***** Zahawi.
  7. Great to see the papers being reviewed on Marr by.....unpleasant brexit headcase, covid sceptic and Tory MP Dehenna Davison
  8. Other than failing to machine gun the channel migrants or make France build a giant fence around their coast I don't see brexit as the issue pushing the release of this stuff. More likely its Owen Paterson (not saving him and making an arse of it), covid restrictions boiling the pish of the libertarian wingnuts like Swayne and Baker and the new clutch of red wall tories getting comprehensively shafted. Whatever it is that's prompting this drip feeding of scandals and death by a thousands cu(n)ts, it's isn't the fact he's a lying, scheming, despicable arsehole that is completely unfit to hold public office, as that's not new.
  9. It's more likely the CRG and the brexit headbangers but undoubtedly there are hacks that knew fine well what was going on. It is an odd thing to say as there will never be a bad time to fire Boris from any job but I can't think of many worse moments with covid, Russia shaping up to invade Ukraine and the general brexity/economic nick of the place for the UK to be a rudderless ship, while the tory party indulge in a wholly self-centred, stratospherically vile and utterly cunty leadership contest between the worst and thickest c***s in the northern hemisphere.
  10. Not sure Jenks knew anything about it as it was headed on to him by a Saints player, so not a formal hand ball but more of an impromptu ball-hand gathering where I can assure you, all the rules were complied with at all times.
  11. Sheep-shaggers celebrate as single suspicious eighty second strike sinks struggling six-fingered Saints. Sweet.
  12. I see 3 weeks after asking for one the clusterfuck government doon sooth have held a Cobra meeting and as a consequence released Michael Gove from the cupboard he's hiding and smashing piles and piles of whizz in. Must be getting desperate.
  13. Well that's not true and a typically horrible thing to accuse someone of but that's standard for you. You ridiculous arsehole.
  14. Well none. If you want to argue she has had to make a choice between business and public health because there's no funding, and she chose public health then fine. I support the choices she is making. Doesn't mean I like it, it's a fucking horrible decision to make and a terrible place for business owners and employees. I hope she and the UK government find ways to adequately support business and do it fast, doesn't mean I don't give a shit I just think it is the right choice with the information, means and advice available.
  15. Very slight misunderstanding here about being clear and definitive. I'd have loved her to have given absolute assurances and told you tonights lottery numbers but that would have been wrong and dishonest. You are welcome to have your own opinion but I thought she explained everything very well, including the points around severity, transmissibility and vaccine escape.
  16. Just goes to show that no matter how clear and how frank the FM is folk will still claim she is *loving this* and *waffling* While we have the fifteenth (?) occasion in recent weeks where "she would definitely be imposing DRACONIAN AUTHORITARIAN new restrictions just because she can/to be stricter than England/to care more" and not imposed any further restrictions other than a change to isolation within households of confirmed cases of Omicron. If after that you aren't clear on what the situation is, what the risk is to the population and what decisions are having to be made and why then you either weren't listening or just don't want to hear it.
  17. *insert Finnish Covid-clubbing cat-cosplaying Prime Minister here*
  18. I spend my union divided on smokable opium, tonic wine and Frisps. Fank u Engerlund and gawd bless her majesty x
  19. Anyone caught singing in Tesco's should be brutally murdered on the spot.
  20. More Labour life peers and Barons imploring the tories to limit the reach of the only government the Scottish people have any say in electing please. Excellent stuff George, you mad unwitting undercover agent for independence you.
  21. He lied to his own commissioner on standards that he didn't know where the money came from as there are whatsapps asking the guy for more. When Boris gets the report from his standards adviser into the lies Boris told to his standards adviser Boris is going to have a very difficult decision to make as to whether Boris should resign or not. Joke country.
  22. Media and public relations professional does media and public relations to protect client with added convincing tears + snotters. Bah.
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