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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. We probably need a chat about the MODs budget if this upsetting words and toilets stuff is true. Negligent imo.
  2. Or Lavrov telling Truss she's still on mute, when she isn't, leading to much hilarity.
  3. Bates, despite a couple of pass mark performances is just a big, unacceptably ginger carthorse.
  4. They think their voters are complete fucking idiots with the attention spans of brain damaged goldfish. Which is fair.
  5. Also I'd rather Sky weren't showing, and clearly indentifying the location of masses of civvies filling beer bottles with polystyrene and petrol. Fair fucks to them tho.
  6. Have to be careful as at lot of the pro west/Ukraine reports and claims of men and materiel destroyed seem very optimistic/propagandist and bearing in mind both the horrific cost to life and the reports he has apparently barely committed a 3rd of the available forces so far, i'd just love it if big Vlad has fucked it here. Jif, not siff, or chheeefff.
  7. What if they're challenged for the throne of Wakanda? What then?
  8. If we're looking at binning RT, rightly or wrongly, surely these c***s need swept into the fucking sea too?
  9. Faked I'm afraid, that's a photoshop of a friendly kick about and some old bald fella harmlessly doing the airyplanes with a cropped out bunch of laughing children. Bee A Wear.
  10. Soviet military doctrine to achieve breakout in a European land war called for extensive use of gas or nerve agents. Obviously don't know if this is correct or where I read it but the Sovs never recognised gas as a WMD and there were suspicions the Russians were at least prepared to use it in Chechnya I think.
  11. This. If they have the capability it makes sense to disrupt their ability to stage operations. Doesn't even matter if the airfield is now unusable or not. It will divert Russian resources away from their objectives to, for example seek out the launchers in the same way the coalition diverted tons of special forces and aircraft to hunt for Scuds in the first gulf war.
  12. The odd amusing literary flourish or arcane bit of nomenclature and a properly astounding capacity for household solvent just doesn't excuse the bigotry or tawdry bottom-drawer self loathing of your common or garden unionist tube.
  13. Before you pass out in a puddle of half-drunk Jeyes Fluid and your own piss, ponder a nations right to determine its own future and then pass out in a puddle of half drunk Jeyes Fluid and your own piss. Thanks.
  14. Condemnation of Putin and the invasion of a sovereign state, would give that frog faced weaselcunts point regarding Russia's security interests and the expansion of the EU and NATO just a smidgen of credibility but it's absence makes it look like apologism and an unwillingness to criticise his hero/benefactor. Just like Trump.
  15. Sky business bloke say they're going to shit out of binning them from SWIFT. Western banks too exposed. Pathetic. It is also her name. Unlike the clowncunts nom de plume.
  16. Doing a very bad thing doesn't make the other not quite so bad things just disappear. I think ol' Adolfs "portfolio of bad" is known to be quite extensive and varied.
  17. Question to Jens Stoltenberg from Ukrainian Inter-fax journalist: "I know you won't send troops to Ukraine but isn't it about time for NATO to stand up to Hitler, excuse me, Putin?"
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