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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. VT has some interesting points and if there were no clear aggressor or Ukrainian and Russian forces were equivalent in power then they would be more credible in my opinion. However, field artillery is an area fire weapon. Be it gun or rocket, it is not designed to be accurate. It is designed to saturate, deny or f**k up an area. Not a discrete target. And if you use it in an area you know to contain civilians, it's you, either giving the orders, pulling the trigger or pressing the button that is the bad guy. Even if the Ukrainians were using their population as human shields and I don't believe they are, that doesn't give licence for the use of inherently indiscriminate weapons. Russia also has precision weapons in its arsenal and their limited use has been noted by a number of commentators. It may not matter a f**k to the Russians, it may not amount to anything, I doubt anyone will ever see the inside of a court room, but if we're sliding towards unstable times globally I think it should matter to "us" in the West what is and isn't a war crime. And what's happening to Ukrainian cities unequivocally definitely is.
  2. I think I hate the "Tory doing normal" theatre as much if not more than the deliberate cruelty and outright corruption.
  3. The pretence that "The support do not want the clubs good name to be tarnished in being associated with Celtic in anyway" is so very much like this "same club" schtick. The brute force repetition of something that is demonstrably untrue to cover up acute embarrassment and shame of what happened, belies such a level of insecurity it's hilarious. You're like a brother and sister who fight like cats and dogs in public, much to the embarrassment and irritation of everyone else, in an effort to hide the fact you definitely, definitely f**k each other in private.
  4. Nice to wake up to a good news story on this thread. Great work from the Hibs fans behind this charity and quite a few others.
  5. Sunak filling up an ordinary humans Kia at a petrol shop for the cameras. Ugh.
  6. The silver lining for Hibs and the neutral fan is he'll be available to get set off against Hearts in the semi.
  7. Former Moscow defence attaché being somewhat critical.
  8. How? How did our lovely pictographic match thread, a visual celebration of the fixture through the years thread get binned only for this aberration to be allowed to limp on in disgrace?
  9. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors. Address The Disruptors.
  10. Pointing out that the sectarian organisation, the Orange Order is sectarian, is sectarian. Do keep up.
  11. Important to remember that mass indecent exposure is no barrier to a peerage.
  12. Surely a euphemism? -What happened to that Himmler fellow? Well, you didn't get it from me but, I hear he "opened a shop in Dumfries." -No. Swear to god. -Takes all sorts.
  13. Most of them are further to the right than the One Nation Tory crowd Boris executed to get Brexit done.
  14. Aye, that horse has bolted, the doors have been closed and the stables burnt down.
  15. If I'm totally honest, some kind of federalised UK with an elected second chamber or senate type arrangement, a proportional first chamber, electronic voting, proper controls on lobbying and privilege, no people in tights with swords, a reshaped parliament which is not adversarial, an elected head of state and a properly codified devolved/UK settlement so a crude English plurality can't just steamroller everything wouldn't be the worst thing. I wouldn't mind living in that sort of a UK. It's just absolutely not fucking happening, particularly not via electing Keir Starmer or Anas Sarwar, and its completely delusional to think that it would. And completely dishonest to imply that these kind of opinions, which I don't think I'm alone in having, translates as a desire far less a mandate for Scotland's constitutional future to be decided via Gordy fucking Broon yawning on and on in a room with some handpicked ex-Labour MPs and other assorted people we've rejected at the ballot box.
  16. 2 rights make a U-turn, 2 u-turns make a circle, 2 circles make a figure of eight, 2 figures of eight make a butterfly.
  17. No matter how many times Broon is wheeled out to sell his tattered and grubby wares it is remarkable how he is never, ever asked how he intends to gain consent for them from the Scottish electorate. As though his sage like musing that "this is actually what Scotland wants or needs" is sufficient to impose his grand plan. And lets be absolutely clear about this, major constitutional reform is so far down Sir Keith of BrexiterLegHumpers list of to do's Labour wouldn't deliver it, even if they wanted to or could. And they don't. And can't.
  18. Thats the worst penalty decision and penalty taken of the season. Both laughable.
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