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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. And they died an hilarious and utterly disgraceful death and I laughed until I was sick. Your point?
  2. Why not just combine things and join in on St Patricks day instead of wandering about town centres in the summer literally and figuratively cocking your leg against each lampost? Wouldn't that just be better for everyone?
  3. Everybody in wee leprechaun costumes and a bit of that river dance stuff instead of that frankly embarrassing drum and tin recorder shite and I'll allow it.
  4. An orange walk with great big banners saying "we celebrate our Irish history" and hundreds of tricolours flying is something i'd like to see.
  5. The normal argument against prohibition is that you just force whatever it is underground. Which sounds ideal in this case.
  6. Are the brand guidelines for unionist memes written by some kind of avant garde genius that challenges and disrupts the established practices of consistency and clarity in visual messaging or is the random font size and use of capitalisation some kind of hidden code in of itself??
  7. The dynamic viscosity of pig shit can vary from 0.5 to 7.0 N·s/m2 (newtons per square meter) so I'm going to choose to take that as a compliment.
  8. Fire it into the sun, sink it to the bottom of the deepest ocean or bury it deep down in the depths of the most cavernous of mines, seal it with explosives, concrete over the entrance and destroy all evidence it was ever there, but get this steaming pile of rotten tinpot shite away from my football.
  9. The same people who go on and on about woke cancel culture and free speech spent years and hundreds of thoudands of pounds suing the newspaper that wanted to print a story about the convicted sex pest and ex Tory MP Charlie Elphicke. And how they abused their positions in parliament and government to blame his victim and pervert the course of justice.
  10. No premiership card this weekend and yet the the Rangers* still manage to humiliate and disgrace themselves in equal measure. Fair play.
  11. I'm sure the content is as irrelevant to Goomba as it is to the rest of us and the debate on independence. This is just more unionist kerb stone art and the next overly long, rambling, incoherent riposte will be in blue. Rumbled.
  12. Also in that article. "Earlier today the Kremlin said Mr Johnson was the "most anti-Russian" leader in the West." Someone doth protest a bit much.
  13. If invading the Ukrainiane was unwise, wading into the gender debate is absolutely insane.
  14. An independent Scotland shouldn't be a beacon of peace and democracy in case it gets invaded? That's a simultaneously very odd and very shit argument. Not even sure what it's an argument for or against tbh.
  15. Most misquoted person in history. Raspers gonna rasp tho.
  16. Only 3 certainties in life: Death, taxes, and articles with the headline "sturgeon accused" are bollocks.
  17. Oaft. Billy Gilmore somehow making himself even more wonderful than before.
  18. Glengarry Glenross Cube The Hill Event Horizon The Way Back
  19. Imagine looking for a "taking orphans out of a war zone is actually bad because Scotland" angle. I'm involuntarily, physically sneering.
  20. I'm sure that's true but there's been way too may folk wanting to "claim" them and get some PR and I'm just glad they made it here.
  21. It's the difference between targeting a vehicle or a house or targeting the 100x100m (or more) square the house or vehicle is in. I think that's a significant difference. The West repeatedly choosing the wrong house in other conflicts is neither here nor there. Hmm, they do love to spend a bit of money on shiny new missiles tho. And I think in this case Dubya Dubyas scriptwriter was meaning you can't win a war at arms length, which is correct but, it didn't end well.
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