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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. In a way, you have to admire their steadfast committment to out-c**t the extraordinarily cunty thing they did yesterday.
  2. How is this thread still here while our lovely pictographic sevco thread 1.0 got binned? Yet more West Lothian bias.
  3. As suspected the Jason Groves tweet comes from the World at One interview today and as suspected it's bollocks.
  4. While in reality the Tories are significantly more factionalised than Labour but they aren't stupid enough (generally) to fight their internal battles in public or pursue a strategy of defeating a largely false caricature their opponents have made of them. Clowns.
  5. Neither do i. I think it's nonsense and despite Corbyn being a total hazard for a whole number of reasons, he's just used as an excuse for Starmer to indulge in the sort of crude symbolic nationalism Brexit wonks get moist for and which they denounce in others.
  6. Imagine being the guy who had to tell the Chechen lunatics that they had to paint a big white X on the side of their vehicles.
  7. All those years of us laughing at the ugly sisters ridiculous attendance figures meaning they must have had fans dressed as seats and fair play, there's the proof.
  8. Sportscene "analysis" It's an important goal, it's a good goal, Bassey is looking to keep the ball alive, therefore not a foul.
  9. Arfield escaping a yellow I think was the worst example. But if you don't create you can't win and we created f**k all.
  10. Booing your own team for managing to hold Scotland's top European side to nil nil at half time. These plucky newcomers are a weird bunch.
  11. I'll just wait until it all goes horribly wrong then post something about the loving cup being embarrassing tin(ceramic) pot nonsense and the thread will get reported and deleted again.
  12. "The first NATO Warship A1411, a German replenishment ship, docked near the King George V Wharf Road in the early hours. Followed by NATO Warship F362, a Danish vessel." It's the stirring romanticism behind the names of these vessels that makes me think the good guys will come out on top here. God bless A1411 and F362 and all who bravely sail in them. *Wipes tear from eye*
  13. They'd never have dared invade if Ukraine played on Blaes.
  14. Absolutely crucial for the people in charge of fixing potholes and sorting out your bins to have a strong stance on constitutional matters which you believe are solely the preserve of Westminster. Clowns.
  15. Variation on the "drag every puppy with a sore paw into Holyrood" strategy. "Philomena from Langbank has crocheted 2000 little hats for newborn babies, why oh why is Nicola and her independence obsessed EssEnnPeee government failing these children???!!"
  16. Well congratulations, your unthinking generosity has just sparked WW3. Good luck everyone.
  17. I despise these people with such a burning and unrelenting fury. Lincolnshire is full? What a fucking c**t. At least he exposes all the "security concerns" pish given as the reason for not waving visas as the baseless fucking nonsense it is. It's just xenophobia. It's always just xenophobia. Even when kiddies are dying, even when houses are being bombed, when thousands are streaming across the jammed borders in the snow they cannot bring themselves to act with decency and compassion. And it's just fucking base, ultra cunty, we don't like too many foreigners round 'ere, xenophobia. Hate them. c***s.
  18. Treason and gross lese-majesty.if the Queen's 11 didn't offer their ground and send their squad to the front* *Before Hearts do it and then claim it was them what won it for a 100 years and more afterwards.
  19. The airbases in NATO countries staging the aircraft. Which is where the spirally levels of escalation come in.
  20. Still reeling from the loss of the George Galloway and his Fascist Hat Party imo. Also, spot the incredible chutzpah of actual Steven fucking Kerr moaning about The Greens "sneaking in on the list"
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