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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. The changes to property ownership and companies house regulations won't come in for existing owners and businesses for 18 months after the legislation becomes law. Plenty of time for the dirty stuff to get washed. Also that useless f**k Keith has six questions at pmqs and he used not one to demand the waving of visa requirements for Ukrainians. The fucking coward, entirely beholden to chasing the votes of English racists.
  2. This is a great photo from BBC News. And just in case things get dramatically worse and the Forth Valley WI end up smashing up ceiling tiles outside the Thistle Centre to support AR BRAIV LADZ, this is entirely the wrong technique for launching your petrol bomb. You must keep the neck of the bottle pointed to the sky when throwing (straight arm technique) or you will pour the contents down your back and set fire to your arse, like this brave chap is doing. Thank you.
  3. Of course Truss didn't make the Russians go to Brown Trousers Alert Level 5 in the same way Boris didn't make the Iranians hold an innocent woman in prison. But by being shit at their jobs, not across their briefs, and incapable of communicating professionally when it actually matters they gave them an in. A point of vulnerability to exploit. You only need to see Lavrov running rings around the Thatherette in Moscow a few weeks ago to know that they had her marked as weak. It doesn't excuse either the Russians or the Iranians to say that Truss and BawJaws are totally unsuited to the great offices of state and their incompetence has consequences.
  4. "Statements were made by various representatives at various levels on possible altercations or even collisions and clashes between Nato and Russia. We believe that such statements are absolutely unacceptable. I would not call the authors of these statements by name, although it was the British foreign minister."
  5. So as foreign secretary Boris got an innocent woman imprisoned in Iran because he's a verbally incontinent arsehole. Liz Truss, hold my big furry Russian hat.
  6. It will be interesting to see how the UK government weasel out of meaningfully implementing the register of owners, companies house reform etc. But weasel out they assuredly will.
  7. What a horrible little shithouse backwater the UK is. Also despite the above and accepting she's a much better shadow Home Sec than that Nick Thomas-Symonds character, I'm not convinced Starmers Labour party entirely obsessed with humping the legs of the brexity arsehole Northern voter would be any better in government.
  8. Leaving to one side the fact that the Russians are already in the air over Ukraine and that to impose any no fly zone they would have to be "persuaded" to leave, it would mean the West operating potentially hundreds of aircraft right up to the border of actual Russia. You see how much hullabaloo and tallyho there is when a Bear or once or twice their Blackjacks or Backfires come within a couple of hundred miles of Shetland and Lossiemouth scrambles a pair of Typhoons and the BBC go all damp and patriotic about it? Imagine that x100 literally 0 miles from the territory with the second largest air force in the world and with the most recent air to air combat experience?
  9. We don't know what the Russians have had in the air and regardless the Mig 29 is a perfectly respectable aircraft, designed to go up against and in some ways superior to the F15. Particularly in the hands of experienced pilots, which one assumes the Ukrainian air force has. No, putting NATO forces in direct confrontation with Russians would be fucking mental. Exactly the sort of escalation we should avoid like the plague. Much better to just subtly and not so subtly equip and rearm the Ukrainians and help them attrition the Russians into seeking a ceasefire, de-escalation. Which, f**k my hat and call me Susan, is what they are doing.
  10. Aye but the Poles and Bulgarians have Mig29s. I'm sure they've thought of this stuff.
  11. The British version would lament wokery and demand the return of the birch, rickets, white dog shit and the death penalty as well as the constant threat of nuclear annihilation.
  12. Making concessions for talks on preconditions and location, without holding any key cities or obvious objective s as well as the lunatic dick waving of strategic forces is tantamount to admission that Vlad has indeed fucked it here. Isn't it? Of course that may not be be good as he may feel compelled do something terrible to regain the initiative if talks fail. But Christ what a fucking of it.
  13. Not great for Aberdeen but great for humanity. Mon the Well. Intae them.
  14. Yes but that will get you deported rather than granted shelter in Her Brittanic Majesty's Glorious Sceptred Union of Flags.
  15. Been said many times but "if only they revoked the citizenship of Oligarchs as fast as groomed schoolgirls"
  16. He is also massively inadequate for the role and bit of a p***k.
  18. "there's an online visa application service Ukrainians wanting shelter can use." f**k me.
  19. Depressing as f**k to have the UK international effort fronted up by Liz Truss.
  20. Could be that they see armour as too vulnerable in high rise built up areas, a lesson from Grozny? And they can absorb the losses of light vehicles and men more easily than tanks and IFVs. Maybe there's a propaganda angle here too, fewer shots of burnt out armour to share on twitter and infantry and jeeps looks much better than artillery followed by tanks.
  21. Ladies and gentlemen, it's Saturday night, and it's that time again.....
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