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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. For every Tory disgrace or attack on our way of life there's an equal and opposite Labour just not turning up or standing back and fucking well clapping.
  2. Cunning of the government to schedule the vote for when 100 job for life class traitor ermine clad labour c***s were having their tax payer subsidised lobster thermador and couldn't (be arsed to) show up.
  3. It's us Dandies, and fans of quality sports broadcasting, who should be upset and yet somehow its hibs fans who have managed to completely lose their place. Incredible work.
  4. How is it we are we losing Richard Gordon before Chick Young? How?
  5. "I have been assured that the honourable member involved had no idea that he was looking at pornography at the time. He firmly believed and I support him in this, that he was going to be looking at a work of Art. A perfectly normal and respectable work of Midget Fisting Art."
  6. From the same interview, his sotto voce hiding of his shabby career behind the bodies of dead Ukrainians is enough to make your skin crawl.
  7. He really is tremendous value. We'll see the Baroness and her collection of false tears and superficial attempts at humanity off the subs bench again in the morning.
  8. The fact that the system is a nonsense as it relies upon convention doesn't make it not the system. But I suppose a sort of scratch and sniff method of choosing your government rather than say a list of aims and objectives which you can then use to hold the government to account would be preferable/at the right kind of level for some folks.
  9. Weird because here's you saying something completely different a minute ago.
  10. Manifestos have a crucial role, a good example is the Salisbury convention. Its not just a prospectus they have constitutional weight. You don't have the first fucking clue about how the place you live is governed and yet we are never short of your very special opinions on things, you plainly know very little about. Can we just cut to the point where you say "i'll leave it there" after yet again being found to be slavering?
  11. Totally unsurprising to see the diminution of the manifesto as a concept from the right/wankers who don't believe in accountability/base their voting preferences on primary colours and the noise from a dogs squeaky chew toy.
  12. You don't have to be a six footer, you don't have to have a great brain....
  13. A confused notion of national pride and self worth, perfectly embodied by the Tory chair (mis)quoting Shakespeare
  14. "You get arrested and thrown in jail just for saying the English, these days." This is low rent, even for you, all of these points are either reasonable or objectively correct and even if i say so myself, well argued. One assumes you're nodding off in your piss soaked chair and thinking about whether you'll hate yourself more or less if you start in on the dug worming pills and Mr Muscle.
  15. Oh me too. I think the point is we are being forced to choose. Gazing briefly over the water to The Norn, the beauty of the GFA is that it found an amicable solution to the competing identities at play. You could be Unionist, Republican, Irish or British live either side of the border and self identify as either and functionally it would make f**k all difference. A couple of decades of genuine neglect, arrogance and utterly self obsessed English nationalism, not restricted to but certainly typified by Brexit has forced people to make those choices and for it to matter again. With obviously very different circumstances and pressures some of that applies here. We are being forced to choose, we are being forced to seek a national identity that isn't a total embarrassment, to seek or achieve a system of governance that is in some way representative or functional and isn't basically an after school creche and money/influence and ego farm for the worst c***s English public school vomits up. Devolution in some way bridged some of that gap but both in reality and in the way it is treated by successive UK governments, it is just a cage. That can be rattled, squeezed and basically fucked about with at the whims of an English plurality. And that's just not enough for me. Scottish, Irish reunification or the somewhat lagging behind Welsh independence movements wouldn't be what they are now if the UK wasn't a disgusting shambles. But it is a disgusting shambles and the blame for that lies squarely with the supposed protectors of the union and their horrid little acolytes and craven arse lickers in the devolved nations. It's why they won't engage seriously about constitutional reform or ideas of national identity and self worth. They know it is they who have and are fucking it and to engage is to have to accept some culpability. This is precisely why you always hear shite about grievance and hostility and angry cybernats in response to reasonable objections to the fact we're governed by utterly venal b*****d clowns, we haven't voted for since 1955 ripping up what passes for our constitution unilaterally, making us an international laughing stock and making a complete c**t of running things.
  16. I find the discussion on the nature of British Nationalism, Unionism or more properly English Nationalism in a Geri Halliwell dress fascinating. I heard the former Moscow correspondent John Sweeney speak about this on a podcast recently. He said that while he was a republican in his youth and was against the idea of the monarchy he has grown to appreciate the role of HM Lizzie. His point was that the Queen not only acted as a head of state but also embodied what is was to be British, provided a focal point for patriotism and essentially a political and functional dead end for the worst bits of the far right and classic English Nationalism. Basically every notion of pride or national identity had to be viewed through the lense of "what would the Queen think of this" and "am I being a good enough loyal subject" when I do a nazi salute, or wreck a pavement cafe during the world cup in Nice or whatever. I think there is something to that view tbh. It is a useful shield, or flimsy cover to throw over the fact that this is a collection of islands deeply uneasy about its identity and certainly i find expressions of English national identity, pride, patriotism or whatever to be deeply confused and indistinct from that of British National identity. A sort of revolving door of national consciousness. I also find the idea, in this day and age especially, of needing to hide your insecurities and frankly embarrassingly diminished and quite grubby sense of national self worth behind a 95 year old woman in a hat, laughable, contemptible and kind of indicative of what a fucking lunatic shambles the UK is.
  17. Another wonderful example of le flounce d'artifice. Clearly intoxicated, clearly lonely, clearly raging at the absolute state of himself, his lot and the decrepit moral, polical and social rutting pile that is unionist politics and its institutions. In he blunders throwing around crass insults, contemptible lies and false narratives for the adulation of 3 accounts (and probably only 1 other person). Only to then recoil with feigned horror and sadness at the state of Scottish politcal debate when he is correctly called out/a c**t, for his superficial, banal and well pickled in imbibed household solvent pish. An absolute tragedy.
  18. The cloud to that silver lining is how it will accelerate his media career.
  19. I'd like next weeks ludicrous decision that leads to us conceding a goal to be Ojo taking one for the team and ending Charlie Adams career.
  20. The McInnes tinted spectacles stuff is boring. He did a good job and he will always be remembered fondly but by the end of his tenure we were rotten.
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