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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Durham Police now investigating #Beergate. After the Met refusing to investigate until the very moment it was convenient for the government to do so., it does seem......odd that Durham Police do investigations on the basis of a campaign by the Daily Mail and local Tory, particularly after they had already done one and found no criminalty. Anyway hope Keith gets fined. Joke country.
  2. AFC (a few years ago now) levels of plaudits for Slabs second place trophy lift.
  3. MPs, MSPs, Cooncillors and activists should be made to wear bodycams. For their own protection in these troubling times but mainly so we can verify what the tories are hearing on the doorstep. As I suspect they hear "of course we expect the PM to get on with the job of delivering for the British people" rather less than often than "get yourselves fucked you despicable fucking c***s."
  4. Oh sure the expectation and message management is off the scale. Dowden spinning himself up to 10,000 rpm on Sky.
  5. Despite the shoeing they've taken Jenrick is spinning this as a disappointing night for Labour. Which outside of London seems fair. But then Jenrick is an Olympic-class arse-licker desperate to get back in to government.
  6. Fair play. Well done. That's a remarkable achievement. Going to have to have a shower and burn my clothes now.
  7. Well the Met police are independent and they have restricted their communication during the election period. So I thought the BoE might have considered doing the same. Anyway that's the very last time I go to the considerable effort of replying politely to you. My mistake.
  8. Thanks professor I was aware of the BoE's independence. I do think tho that a recession warning at exactly the point people are putting pencil to ballot paper is unusual and very unhelpful for the tories, which suits me.
  9. Absolutely, if I were the callous underhanded scheming c***s at CCHQ I wouldn't have wanted this today. No doubt Anas and Baillie will be calling this an SNP recession shortly.
  10. Guessing that "unfortunately households are just going to have to feel the pain" isn't going to help the UK government any.
  11. Not suggesting anything or who it might benefit (particularly since this press conference isn't all economic sunshines and rainbows) and I doubt it will effect your decision on potholes, but is the BoE raising interest rates on polling day not a bit odd?
  12. Rees-Mogg coming to Edinburgh on polling day after calling Ross a lightweight is surely the biggest intra-party "know your place peasant" delivered in history.
  13. Regrettably no greens and no interesting or loony independents in my ward, so just the 2 good guys one and two and the various unionist and lone genital inspecting bible thumper blank.
  14. Written entirely from the perspective of someone who is watching what Keir Starmer and the Labour party are actually doing, humping the legs of the brexity north of England, and just flat out imagining that they are or they would do something completely different. Sure there's a case for Labour " to respect the demands for greater autonomy" "or meaningful economic self-determination, incorporating public ownership, transformative support for homegrown green industry and expanded workers’ rights" but they conspicuously aren't offering this, and aren't going to, which is very much the point. It is just a nonsense to lay the ground for the precondition for the SNP supporting a minority Labour government shouldn't be a section 30 order but a plan for a new Labour run No.10 to lavish spending, priorities and powers on an SNP voting Scotland, who presumably have just told them to f**k off at the ballot box again. Something which is antithetical and would I imagine boil the pish of, those voters in England who they've been courting so hard to ditch the tories, with their anti Europe, anti refugee centrist garbage and who actually did vote Labour. Behave.
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