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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. It's a nice idea, that electing Scottish Labour MPs would drag the party to the left, but to get them there they will have to stand be elected and therefore endorse the current right of centre platform. And then we can look at who might lead the party post Starmer or be in his cabinet. Nandy, Streeting, Cooper and Burnham, who all could easily be mistaken for 1 nation Tories. Infinitely more credible than Corbyns gang of Burgon, Gardiner and Piddock etc, I grant you but the same issues that plague UK politics as whole, plague Labour. Scotland just doesn't matter. And, a generous, possibility of 10 new SLab grifters just marking time until ermine day, is not going to change that.
  2. The entire point is that it is impossible for Scotland to do anything to make the UK work. We could all self-immolate in protest and the only difference is a few folk in Cumbria might notice it got a bit warm. Labour don't need Scotland to get in to No.10, and this is evidenced by the absolute focus of Starmer and pals on the red wall and the utterly cunty craven right of centre pro brexit, anti immigration tough on crime and tory lite shite he's been pumping out. Policy wise (actual policies not just "we'd do the same but better") you couldn't squeeze a fag paper between the current labour party and the populist incoherent "just say what will keep us in power" cynicism of the Johnson regime. Right now the only difference between the two is really just competence and integrity. Don't get me wrong those things are really important but, I'm not sure I want a government whose policy platform is antithetical to my needs and wants that is competent instead of one whose platform is similarly objectionable that is incompetent, and led by a criminal. And I have made this point before but, it is not the job, nor is it in our interest to impose a Labour government it didn't vote for on England and that is of absolutely no benefit to us. But we do have our own particular constitutional settlement that was confirmed by referendum(s) which we now know can be rippled up, set alight and pissed all over by a crude English plurality. If Labour had the slightest interest in Scotland the Constitution would be front and centre of their policy offering here. But it's not, because the current arrangement suits them just fine too.
  3. This. I've very much had my fun regarding the result but not utterly embarrassing yourselves and Scottish Football as a whole off the pitch is to be commended. Hope we see the same on Saturday.
  4. Well it's certainly very commendably brave of you to try having public opinions again after this.
  5. I just find this argument to be both a bit facile and the last refuge of the defenders of the indefensible. We're great, we're OK, we all make mistakes, nobody's perfect, it's a bit of a bumpy patch, we must do better....actually everyone is as bad as each other. A really great and contemporary example of this is Beergate vs Partygate. Through a combination of outrageous lobbying of the supposedly independent police, a shameless and utterly transparent pet media campaign and a bit of bungling on the part of the Labour Party, just enough people will now believe that having a beer and eating food at an unarguable work event was the same as running the executive branch of government in the style of a permanent toga party. Regarding the cost of living perhaps there is merit in the shite/less shite comparison and if you were being unkind you'd say it was a choice between the incompetent but benign and with good intent. Versus incompetent and would 100% burn your kids to death for 0.01% on their dividends.
  6. And because thick horrible c***s often respond better to pictures:
  7. Rather than being fined 10k like the plebs, this guy is being punished by being appointed ambassador to KSA.
  8. The guy who's always in or standing outside of the local driving away punters with his rancid chat and seldom washed branded leisure wear Murdo Fraser The director who just fucked off to Seville without replying to my very important emails My pal His wife His brother His da Andy Halliday The Queen Those two (actually quite likeable) wee fannies who were told they could get away early but just didn't turn up at all Jim Traynor The bawbags who keep putting UB stickers all over road signs in the village and upset my dog with their periodic fireworks Ryan Jack
  9. Popping in to see HR tomorrow to discuss the unplanned absences.
  10. 5 German penalties in the goal, oh there were 5 German penalties in the goal And the Aaron from Juventus let you down.....
  11. Ah well, it's a shame no one will win this year but that was a very good draw. Right, lights off everyone out.
  12. Somehow they've managed to use the Grenfell enquiry to make buildings less safe and discriminate against the disabled. It's just fucking breathtaking.
  13. Here's one for the melts that get all upset when those murdering Tory c***s, get correctly called murdering Tory c***s. Read the whole thread if you have the time.
  14. The opposite of the thread title this but this morning I did enjoy the main broadcast news services coming out with "a remarkable story considering they were liquidated and had to start again."
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