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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. All these wonderful moments of accidentally poignant and honest self assessment.
  2. Very strong and rather enjoyable "THAT'S NOT MY BORIS/UNION/BUNCH OF DESPICABLE TORY c***s" energy from the solvent abusing racist this evening.
  3. Maybe if he went in a blue duffle coat, red wellies and floppy hat?
  4. All hail the useful idiot who only tells the truth by accident when lashing out.
  5. Those in power who'd break the rules in a crisis will the next time manufacture a crisis in order to break the rules. On the one hand every second the c**t and his servile incompetent cabinet are in power damage is done, lives are ruined and this stupid fucked up archipelago gets worse. On the other hand this was true in 2019 and while I'd rather fewer people were harmed I am a bit ambivalent about whether he goes now and is utterly humiliated or we wait a few months, he fucks this country up a bit more and then goes and is utterly humiliated. Eachy fucking peachy to me.
  6. CGI Paddington Bear and Basil Brush operated by Goves hand to draw each vote out one by one from a giant platinum jubilee tombola.
  7. Just in case anyone thought it was worth engaging with this account or there was any doubt whatsoever that he's at it.
  8. Only a few years until the next jubilee in the national events calendar lads, see you at the street parties.
  9. Rimmer: I never agreed with my parents’ religion but I wouldn’t dream of knocking it. Lister: What were they? Rimmer: Seventh Day Advent Hoppists. They believed that every Sunday should be spent hopping. They would hop to church, hop through the service and hop back home again. Lister: What’s the idea behind that then? Rimmer: Well, they took the Bible literally. Adam and Eve, the snake and the apple, everything. Took it word for word. Unfortunately their version had a misprint. It was all based on 1 Corinthians 13, where it says “faith, hop and charity, and the greatest of these is hop.” So that’s what they did every seventh day. I tell you, Sunday lunchtimes were a nightmare. Hopping around the table serving soup. We all had to wear sou’esters and asbestos underwear.
  10. You wouldn't expect there to be a place for someone popping on to Test Match Special to opine that cricket is shite. So it's not unreasonable for the actual coverage of the joobly events to be bereft of rational/opposing views to the "isn't it wonderful/everyone is loving this/whole nation brought together/miscellaneous fawning jingowank." News and current events output is different though and the BBC does have an obligation to represent and provide a platform to more than just one side of an argument. The BBC have literally "both sided" everything from tawdry domestic criminality to the US insurrection and war crimes in the Middle east so it is at least worthy of note they aren't fussed about doing it here. Anyway it's nearly over, soon we'll be able to turn on the news ans read about Michelle Mone being a racist robbing cow and the governments failed 2.9bn outsourced unemployment scheme. Or pints that were never unavailable being available again, paid for in shillings or groats or something.
  11. Skirting around the various different definitions of "They" the number of people who knew what they were voting for and yet are surprised by their faces being eaten by leopards is certainly at an all time high.
  12. So the premise is that people have become dramatically more stupid and lazy since the Tories took power in 2010. The number of people replying to this weapon isn't really helping the cause lads.
  13. Tremendous indictment that the Shittish Isles is so completely batshit and insecure that the national psyche, notions of collective pride and self-worth are embodied in a demented, gambling addicted, racist, paedo-shielding old bag. Absolutely on point.
  14. I stand corrected. Lovely bit of detail in the second tweet.
  15. We're not even halfway through this shite and already Liz has sacked it and today's festivities will feature "the biggest bell in Britain"
  16. "Reviewing all the troops she has led for 70 years" Who could possibly forget the Scots Guards, low on ammo and nearing the summit of Mount Tumbledown being ordered to fix bayonets and press home the charge by someone's gran in pearls and a twinset. Gawdblesser
  17. Absolute disgrace. Total shambles. Ludicrous lack of coordination. As if nobody had thought for even one second about the game tonight. Will be lucky to get out of Glasgow and home before the Armenia kick off. The game tonight, also terrible.
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