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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. It's comfortably forcing down the Met being put in special measures and the Treasury abandoning the spending commitment to HM Forces.
  2. A'Bdy called Mac or Mc or who has ever been to the Edinburgh Festival should get a vote regardless of where they live or pay tax.
  3. It was explicitly a mandate for Independence and not for a referendum. And why in the name of f**k would that require 96% of the seats?
  4. End of the day, that was a great speech, this is a great plan and it was delivered by a great leader. The opposition, understandably were completely unable to respond to the referal to the SC or the use of GE24 as a single issue with anything other than the wailing of spoilt weans with pissed pants and dropped chips.
  5. Also gets it right up Kilgour and that DogFoodTwat who've been rubbing themselves to death at the prospect of taking Nicola to court to defend der yoonion.
  6. Taking this directly to the Supreme Court totally shoots the Naw sides fox here. Tremendous work from the boss.
  7. Michael Sheen, although it might just be his tremendous Welsh accent ranting about Aneurin Bevin and the NHS in the rain in 2015.
  8. Off topic but this is the standard by which all others are judged.
  9. Real missed opportunity from the yoonmemestream to not use Harvey Nic's imo.
  10. I'd forgotten about the statue guarding. Worse than any Bannockburn cosplay.
  11. The same people entertainingly foaming and frothing away about Ze Natz today, are baw deep in this performative shouting and finger pointing at Johnny Furriner for any slight, real or imagined and the obvious short comings and 3rd rate nature of the Shittish Isles and its fucked up, antiquated and demonstrably corrupt form of governance.
  12. They're more likely to pull the party to the left than the right.
  13. From the IHRA definition of antisemitism: Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
  14. It's not easy but folk who shit themselves for attention for a living, shouldn't be rewarded with attention.
  15. PR value far too great to turn down if true and if Keith gave a toss about looking like a tory, his policies wouldn't be fucking identical.
  16. Nat shinners. Indy fascists. SNPIRA. Alex Bin Salmond and his Al-QuaeAlba independence network. Lads, lads, lads. This is fucking desperate. Hilarious but desperate.
  17. The responses underneath hilarious. "He didn't say that!!!" "We'd never allow it!!!" The libdems would leap into bed and start fucking absolutely anything for the merest sniff of ministerial car and a big office. Hoors.
  18. If Labour, Tory and the Libdems want yo take responsibility for all that Unionism has to offer that's absolutely fine by me. What a state to get yourself into to avoid making an argument and having the courage of your convictions.
  19. Weird sort of democracy that thinks we should enact and be beholden to the prospectus of the side that lost.
  20. *louder for those at the back* It is not the job of the Scottish electorate to deliver England a government it didn't vote for and that is antithetical/openly hostile to the needs, wants and actual fucking policies of the people they did actually vote for. Funny how hard this is for some to grasp.
  21. OTOH why in the name of the wee man would Labour deny themselves the first chance at government for a decade and a half? Not sure who would be calling whose bluff here.
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