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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. A lot of trumpy types whose eyes are too close together moaning about the meedja hounding out AR BORIS on sky. f**k me.
  2. Imagine the stupidest most offensive to the Scottish electorate position, and SLab will adopt this and call Nicola DIVISIVE.
  3. An absolutely fucking shameless self serving idiotic completely unhinged fetid incoherent stream of spunkbubbles.
  4. May doing a speech in memory of James Brokenshire on "playing by the rules" and the spirit of cricket as a warm up the the big show. What a weird but rapier like f**k you. Joke country
  5. Him hanging around as caretaker while completely mental, will hopefully be utterly fucking humiliating for the c**t.
  6. On a purely personal and human level. Jesus I hope it hurts.
  7. Michele Donelan education minister resigns. She held the post for 0.1 Scarramucis
  8. Ben Wallace Adolf Eichmann Penny Mourdant A jar of screams The Saj The Hooded Claw The guy that made the tea for the guy that made the coffee for Boris (Ross Thomson) Gove
  9. Imagine being told you're not wanted and not good enough by Grant fucking Schapps.
  10. He's getting shirty now. There'll be men in white coats with 20cc's of Shushnowtherethere in a syringe waiting outside the door
  11. There's advantage to be had from being in post when the lump gets the bullet. See Zahawi. We will regrettably be hearing more from him soon. Safe hands. Steadying the ship. Blah di fucking blah.
  12. Someone called Mims has just resigned. Are they just making these c***s up? Surely there can't be many left and surely he won't show up for the liaison committee. But by Jove I do hope he does.
  13. I can, cannot do, do not condone, endorse this Prime minister when standards come, don't come from the top bottom. If he was trying to stab him in the front it was with a wet lettuce.
  14. This is a shit speech. Entirely self serving. Off you f**k.
  15. So despite Labour licking brexit arse and rolling right over, Boris still using it as a stick to beat them with. If they're going to do smack Labour about the face on this anyway, they might as well adopt a policy that isn't fucking mental and will undo some of the harm.
  16. Starmer going in two footed over pincher and tbh isn't doing to bad a job of it. The fluffy racist beeanbagcunt stands up and shouts about Ukraine and Corbyn. Joke country.
  17. Hopefully a big ticket item just before pmqs and the Saj goes full Jerry Maguire in his statement afterwards.
  18. Treasury minister John Glen is the next rat to jump ship.
  19. Not all Trump comparisons are fair but, the one that definitely is spot on is like Trump should never have got anywhere near the Republican nomination and only an entirely venal and selfish disregard for any sense of standards or propriety put him there. BawJaws should have been nowhere near public office and the fuckers that put him there, can and probably should hang.
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