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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Public sector pay cuts outside of London scrapped less than a day after it was blurted out and Sunak said to be closing the gap. Behold the power of a Murdo Fraser endorsement.
  2. Maybe but that rate of Tory PM attrition would smack of absolute incompetence and besides the frothers and lunatics of the ERG and right wing think they can make her do, or say any imbecilic thing they want. Can't see it personally.
  3. Apparently following the Truss ignore comment you could hear some shouting/chanting of "build a wall!" It's also beaten the grass and tempted quite a few Labour and soft unionist types into defending or at least downplaying it. Lots of "She isn't Scotland!!" floating about on social media. Fucking tremendous work by the last Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
  4. Totally infantile nonsense about making the solvent abusing old racist cross a border. When if I had my way I'd stop him and his violent, hate-filled ilk short of our free, green and pleasant land. Confiscate their vehicles, burn their silly toy soldier cosplay get ups, insert their flutes, burst their drums, tar and feather them then prod them south on the point of a very long and shitty stick.
  5. Nah, they just need to legislate across the Scottish Parliament, and the other devolved nations as they have done with the TCA. They don't need to abolish it or knock it down they just need to ignore it. For starters that would remove the largest number of elected tories outside of Westminster. Although actually raising Holyrood to the ground might be the only way to get Murdo Fraser out of a job, so it wouldn't be all bad. All good grist for the indy mill tho.
  6. Was that the 7 nil? This might explain the alleged lack of mewling and indicate St J stayed in the dressing room for longer than just the flag shenanigans.
  7. The cost benefit analysis of AFC telling the officials that they'll just wait in the changing room until the nonsense is finished with thank you, and the ensuing tsunami of sellik mewling about disrespect versus what happened is very finely poised.
  8. I see we're getting an imbecile because the people deciding are a bit racist there now.
  9. It would have been euthanised/in the bin quite some time ago if I did.
  10. I've kept a 30 year old wee transistor radio with me for precisely this reason. It's a had a good innings and deserves its retirement but I feel like its the end of an era.
  11. The only valid criticism here is previously if you were using BBC sounds there was no split frequency option. This has now been addressed and there's a BBC Scotland Extra. Mad its taken ao long tbh. But shifting to AM isnt much too ask. So i can't see any valid complaints about todays Doon Derby coverage.
  12. Baron Bethell of Missing PPE Phone, does not like this.
  13. Bring back the steamie and washing your weans once a month in the public baths.
  14. Nah it should remain as a technically correct term. Perhaps my use is a little ableist "but she dont speak none too good" isn't really concomitant with my p&b oeuvre.
  15. Ben Wallace incinerating his credentials and reputation as "the not a complete arsehole in cabinet" by coming out for Team Imbecile and trashing Team Thieving Little Shit. Also making it more and more certain that in September the UK will have its first functionally disfluent Prime Minister with the IQ of a shoe.
  16. A room full of monsters clapping like lobotomised seals at another pair of monsters telling them lies about things they haven't done. Hosted by Nick Ferrari
  17. The Tory goal is just too wide and too open for Labour not to take a massive run up and boot the ball directly into their own face. That bit in bold applies to both the leadership and the lefty Corbyn types.
  18. They don't like to mention the Euros because the final was a total clustercuck and a national embarrassment.
  19. Nadine Dorries doing the media rounds this morning. It's going very well
  20. Jesus wouldn't England be less shit if the opposition didn't base their entire policy platform on "BUT WHAT IF THE TORIES SAY SOMETHING HORRIBLE??!!"
  21. Not much to disagree with here but Starmer has created some rod for his back with a summer full of strikes ahead and a winter that's going to be hellish for so many people. And Rachel Reeves was freestyling policy all weekend and I reckon her job is safe.
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