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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. It's probably very unfair, as what human wouldn't be a bit taken aback at someone collapsing in front of them? However, the bit of panic, then cynical look to the right to see what Rishi is doing before slinking off to the left, would be her Miliband bacon sandwich moment. If she was on the left and the UK press weren't c***s. Might be the most human thing she's ever done.
  2. Hope everyone is OK but this leadership contest in a nutshell, much.
  3. Some of the "Scottish members" have additional memberships elsewhere. Like one for the Kensington shag pad and one for the shooting lodge in Moray. Can't have them choosing the wrong sort of council for when I'm blatting defenceless dumb animals now can we? So the number of individuals will be less than 8000. Its one of the reasons they tend to keep the number a secret. That and it's a pitifully small number of c***s to decide who gets pretty much absolute power over a population of 5.6 million.
  4. Don't. Do not. It is like all these b*****d pay day lenders a trap. Please don't.
  5. What an utterly delightful ludicrous seething mess. Never thought I'd enjoy Wootons work, at all, or indeed as much. More of this please.
  6. But Sunak and Truss are so, so completely shit and unelectable. So as this contest rolls on for another month, BawJaws II, the Revenge of BawJaws might become more and more appealing to the white, rich, over 60's males who will predominantly be making this decision. Better the arsehole you know etc.
  7. I'd laugh until I was sick. Hopi g for the Full Trump, mobs of the countryside alliance and Tommy Robinsons storming Westminster and an Anglo Q Shaman in full tweed, deerstalker and hunter wellies, tooting one of those stupid little hunting horns draped across the speakers chair. Please, please make it so.
  8. The problem for Labour and Mike Dailly is that by screaming shite that demonstrably isn't true we can't really have a proper debate. Which is probably the idea. Also Mike Dailly is rapidly evolving into the James Melville of Scottish journalism.
  9. This is a one nation tory manifesto. A relentless pursuit of working in partnership with business to boost productivity and deliver distinctively British growth. Off you f**k Keith.
  10. Looking forward to the club shop stocking "Enjoying the Journey", the Aberdeen 2022/23 Premier Sports Cup Group Stage Story. Available on VHS, DVD and Blueray
  11. Lovely goal that. And at a great time. Raith were getting on top of us and unlucky not to be level tbh. Lovely.
  12. Again I think that's true, but: “You must stand up for what you believe, but first of all, by God, believe in something,”
  13. This is undoubtedly true but I found his policy stuff, not just on brexit and indy, so vacuous I think he's in serious danger of turning folk off. The blue rinses and racists, will vote, the GTTO Labour crowd will vote but will a bland as f**k and anodyne "we'll do the same but more betterly" message get the less engaged off their arsed and to the polling booth? I don't think so and he'll need them.
  14. I don't think he was tbh Media very much to blame like whenever they say Fishermen, they invariably mean the white fish tory b*****ds and that arsehole Bertie Armstrong. And not the inshore guys who knew having somewhere to sell their catch would be quite important.
  15. Surprising. The Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart podcast has Starmer on it this week. He came over and spoke quite well, but was horribly slipperly and evasive on brexit and indy and when asked about policies he just kept repeating "the economy" over and over again. Its all relative of course and he's aeons ahead of either of the Tory options. But there's just no substance to him. Good chance he'll pull a classic Labour move of losing the next ge despite all of the many, many advantages the Tories have gifted to him.
  16. The delicious thing is theFrench probably could have sent more staff and been more helpful but don't want to. For some reason. In other news, the EU have started infringement proceedings over the UKs non compliance with the NI protocol.
  17. I see those awful Frenchies are ruining Brexit at Dover again.
  18. Weird how Baroness "Boo-hoo I'm so sad and angry about all the lying and partying" of Convincing TearsandSnotters feels able to set aside all those genuine and not at contrived performances to back law breaker, lie defender and fixed penalty notice recipient Rishi, isn't it?
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