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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Truss wins, is a disaster but we have to send the fleet in to liberate/invade Gibraltar/Corsica/Cyprus or something because of a ludicrous series of outrageous foreign policy blunders and insane doubling downs. The Tories lose their majority at the next GE but Labour can't form a majority(thanks to Maggie Truss being a WAR PM). The SNP get 90% of the seats in Scotland and 54% of the vote but Starmer refuses to make a deal with the secessionist scum to appease the flat capped brexit bunch he's won back. A minority government cobbled together of lab lib and greens limp on for a couple of months, the country descends into anarchy and the fleet is sunk/sent home in disgrace and the SNP abstain in the vote of confidence ushering in BawJaws II the Return of BawJaws and for the next 40 years Scotland is blamed for every awful fucking thing he does despite Starmer (who is of course now Baron Starmer of Beige) not making a deal with the SNP in the first fucking place.
  2. You know this has already been tattooed on some sweaty backs in Lanarkshire despite being a recipe for fajita sauce (probably).
  3. If the furious bear rage on twatter is right and Tavernier held another player by the throat then they should both be suspended pending an investigation. Even wee bampot nyaffs like Morel-Lols deserve to be safe in the workplace.
  4. Charlie Adam punching Ferguson in the face twice within seconds of coming on then delivering the FKs that led to their goals, was sub optimal. But we 100% deserved to be where we finished.
  5. Cats are devious fuckers to be fair. This lady could be just an unwitting facilitator.
  6. I kind of think there should be daylight between attacker and defender in order to be off. I hate that a nose or half a pinkie is enough to chop off a goal. Without making it into basketball, more goals or giving the attacker the advantage is surely the way to go.
  7. What's the margin in these VAR offsides? Like what is the smallest distance that can be measured and therefore be used to judge an offside? I assume it's a gnats baw hair. And wouldn't a margin of like 50cm, like the attackers furthest forward body part would have to be at least 50cms in front of the last defender to ve judged offside? It will be a shambles largely because it is Scottish Football and in a way I'm looking forward to embracing the farce.
  8. The UK is one of the richest nations on earth but also one of the most unequal. We have Trillions being laundered through The City of London and less than a mile away children hungry and suffering from poverty diseases like rickets and malnutrition. Our statutory sick pay and state pension is a fucking disgrace, while we are enormously resource rich, educated and ideally geographical located. The UKs infrastructure is a total embarrassment from transport to water and sewerage to power production and storage, largely as a result of privatisation that in a non joke country, would be correctly labelled as grift and corruption. What passes for democracy in this daft archipelago is almost entirely unrepresentative, contains actual fucking Barons enobled for life for wee favours to pass actual fucking legislation and the key electoral system is such a nonsense the only other place in Europe that uses it is that bastion of progressiveness Belarus. The UK is a fucking midden. A shambles. A disgusting, rank, sordid place where kids go hungry and the old and infirm die alone and in pain. When there would be oceans of cash available to solve these awful things were the wealth of these Glorious Sceptred Isles not continually emptied into the pockets of c***s. c***s who have the depleted uranium tungsten coated brass alloy neck to call the British people lazy. I say this with the zeal and fervour of a convert. I've toasted the Queen many times, had a union Jack phone cover and honestly believed that a collection of different peoples and nations could be more than the just the sum of its parts. In theory perhaps this is possible but not in practice. In practice the UK is a shitehouse, governed exclusively by and for the benefit of c***s. And it can get itself directly and firmly to f**k as soon as fucking possible please.
  9. Rather than putting the Scottish people through the trauma of deciding things for ourselves, let's allow people we haven't voted for for 70 years impose economic sanctions, ignore, erode or circumvent the very limited decisions we are allowed to make while literally covering us all in shite.
  10. All Unionist arguments boil down to one of three things: The Johnny "Mad dog" Addair (Scotland just doesn't exist) The Jacob "Top (Tw)Hat" Rees-Mogg (Scotland exists only to provide a place to hide the Queen and her nonce offspring, shoot defenceless idiotic animals and resources to plunder) or The Simpleton Alex "Still raging about the on time on budget award bridge to his constituency" Cole-Hamilton who think change is scary and mayonnaise is too spicy. Or a combination thereof.
  11. What would be handy is if we had a conservative prime minister unequivocally referring to the nation of Scotland, pre devolution so we can put this the UK is one nation shite to bed. In your pipe, put this, smoke it.
  12. By saying you should just post around the condemnation of the bigotry is just saying we should ignore it, as you obviously do. This makes you culpable and absolutely as bad as the raspers who sing this disgusting medieval shite. Which they have been doing for the 30 odd years i've been watching Scottish football. A disgrace of a fan base for a disgrace of a club/company. Nice one Hubs, your ability to make this rubbish self destruct is admirable.
  13. Can't complain about the 3 points and it is obviously a great asset to have a set piece artiste in the squad. However , it was concerning that we couldn't convert the chances and the momentum into a 2nd or 3rd to kill the game off. We will be punished for that in other games. Big Tony has to sort out his passing accuracy. As cute as some of the playing out from the back was, we could easily have shipped one or two if the Saints weren't gash, no offence. Thought The Duk looks like he could be very handy, big and physical (a bit of the Kris Boyds) he held the ball up really well was unlucky not to score and Hayes put in another excellent shift. And i'm very sorry to learn the fan passed away, awful news.
  14. And still the worst thing about that 45 minutes were the regular breaks in play where for some reason, Andy Walker felt the need to speak.
  15. No matter how imbecilic blaming the SNP for the poll tax is, they'll never surpass "a bridge that breaks" the absolute 24 carat gold standard of ESSENNPEEBAD Yoonacy. A travesty that wasn't included.
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