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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. This made me chortle. Other than wave and go on holiday, using a fountain pen is pretty much the only thing he has had to actually learn to do his "job." Doesn't bode terribly well does it.
  2. Still not grasping the principle of independence is so that we can make these sort of decisions and absolutely does not require us to make them now. Thoroughly looking forward to the post 2024 Kinky seething about the iScottish Government drawing up plans to ditch the grifters for good.
  3. Yaaaaaassss! A match thread, thank Christ. Going to this, always a good away day and with a bonus long weekend I intend to utilise public transport and have a decent scoop. Hallelujah.
  4. These posts are linked. "Will Charles be shite at Monarching?" "Ocht he just lost his mum" Of course I sympathise with him and his family but there is nothing objectively wrong about laughing at the guy losing his shit at writing paraphernalia, twice in as many days. Personally my time for Charles evaporated (or was diluted thousands and thousands of times so the concentration of my sympathy was down to single atoms per litre) when we learned he abused his position to lobby government so the NHS would provide fucking homeopathy on the NHS. I wonder if he thought his mum should be treated with 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001% solutions of chamomile and haliborange.
  5. This rubbish is precisely why sensible prominent Yes folk have and will continue to wisely keep their counsel while absolute helmets like Cochrane here will leap onto her coffin and ceremonially wipe their dicks on the lid.
  6. Truth be told, that went quite well. Scotland was shown off beautifully by air, the weather was amazing and those that wanted to, did the things they wanted to do without really making too much of an arse of themselves. Hopefully the few court cases and charges are only there pour encourager less autres and will be quietly dropped next week. Meanwhile doon sooth is getting ready for Reine Morte Part Deux where it's pissing it down and folk are losing their shit about centre parcs.
  7. There have been a couple of jaw on the floor moments and I yearn for the news to have some fucking news in it but the forum has provided a very welcome catharsis. Very much this.
  8. No. It will be in the hold of a C17 Globemaster. Shut up.
  9. Giving a hell of a lot of fans a free pass here. Nice one Graeme.
  10. People posting on an obscure Scottish football website to moan about people posting on an obscure Scottish football website.
  11. Nan snuffed-it'ills imo. And 26000 visitors, divided by 7 is a poor show by any standard.
  12. That young lad who heckled the Pronce has been charged. Joke country.
  13. Those who camp on the streets of London each night as they are homeless should be quietly and permanently moved into these peoples houses.
  14. Nobody in the Scottish Government needs to make any statements. For every baton twirling, forelock tugging, knicker wetting cretin in awe of the pageantry and the occasion. There will be 5 folk staring at the cavalcade of insane archaic fucknonsense and saying to themselves " WTF? How is this happening?" Perhaps not right now but let's not forget we're only a couple of days into this shambles and I assume there'll be a full blown 400 twats with massive hats coronation to come too.
  15. With the police in attendance en masse anyway and the state of some of the creatures filing through St Giles, a quick outstanding warrant check would be an excellent idea.
  16. There will be a national minutes silence held at 8pm on Sunday. How about rather than disrespting this single, poignant and available to all national moment of reflection, football just fucking well gets on with football rather than attempting it's own series of crass and myopic individual gestures?
  17. "Powerful men shouldn't be allowed to commit sexual crimes and get away with it" Legend.
  18. If only it wasn't so easy for me to reach back into the distant and hazy mists of 2020 to see your mob fighting each other, then the police and then shiting themselves.
  19. And I don't believe an all bear support would have anything other than a negligible impact on the police resource required. Personally and on observable form, I'd increase it.
  20. Police Scotland are not in the business of stewarding private commercial events. They are they to detect and prevent crime, and help to ensure the safety of the public. A list of possible activities the likelihood of which will not be reduced to zero by increasing the composition of the support to 100% bears. I edited your post to save your embarrassment from thinking the police are only there to manage segregation.
  21. "There will be next to no police resource required if there are no opposition fans." Good one.
  22. Thoroughly disrespectful that there was no minutes silence at the start of this thread.
  23. Surely it will just be the knuckle draggers who will do GSTK and a minutes silence (and a 55 minute tribute to the concept of a foreign monarchy through the medium of penny whistle and fat man hitting paddling pool with a brush).
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