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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Porteous is actually the victim here rapidly growing into poor Alfie Morelos and Rangers*esque levels of hysterical bad faith arguments from the Hibernians. Sad to see.
  2. The only time I was in her presence, I wasn't wearing any pants.
  3. Can't be long until we're forced into a month of performative celebratory genuflecting for the coronation. Like a week on Tuesday.
  4. To be honest I think there should be less opprobrium aimed at porteus and more at the refereeing team.
  5. Going down to 10 before half time and having the break to regroup and reorganise makes the second half performance a sacking offence. If it had happened in the second half and we had then gone to pieces, it would have been bad but understandable. The fact he had the break to rally the troops and sent out what appeared to be strangers who got a "playing football experience" voucher for Christmas was fucking outrageous. Take nothing away from Hibs (sorry this phrase is mandatory in football) but they are rank. And we let them waltz through us, and when a long pass wasn't on to clear the lines we just fucking gave them it to them on the half way anyway. Mental. If hibs weren't also atrocious that would have been double figures. That being said I did have a fairly decent lunch and as it turns out, a helpful quanity of well served liquid anaesthetic from some of the myriad of hospitality options Edinburgh has to offer. So well done for that. But objectively Hibs embarrassed themselves today by not making what wad a bad day out for us into an era defining humiliation that would be talked about for decades. It really was that bad.
  6. Sounds like you could really upskill your resource portfolio with surprisingly minimal outlay. Please connect for more information as you wouldn't want to be that guy who had to explain why he didnt hop on the success bus of this unmissable opportunity.
  7. The correct response for this is teams of 5 with a flask, sandwiches, an optional tent or folding chair and a single section of temporary barrier to establish erroneous queues all across the city.
  8. As someone in the tiny tiny minority who actually uses LinkedIn for actual work, I would shit myself* with joy if someone did this. *I make no commitment to actually shitting myself, this is hyperbole.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/sep/15/crowd-behaviour-london-mourning-queen?CMP=share_btn_tw This.
  10. Alex Salmond was allowed to say something, which is probably fair enough
  11. BBC MournHub 24/7 sorrowful crywankathon "not mental enough" say pair of leading Bootlicking Toady of The Year '22 hopefuls.
  12. tbf that looks well deserved and the #scenes rather good fun.
  13. The state of them. Highly enjoyable will look at this again.
  14. That tifo The "Nation Anthem" The inevitable fine for the "Nation Anthem" James Sands Bobby Sands VAR Fat Sally Fat Alfie The Rangers
  15. The only thing Tom Harris cares about and boy does he care, is getting his political career crushed, burned and scattered to the four winds by Stewart MacDonald (SNP) in 2015. You could plug a couple of wee electrodes into the industrially bitter wee shite and power a medium sized digital clock.
  16. Nah he actually flew apaches in Afghanistan and did a tour as Joint Terminal Air Controller. Leave aside the shocking imperial pr connotations of sending a Prince to shoot at tribesmen from his modern cavalry horse, he probably definitely earned most of his service gongs and so did the Pronce.
  17. Leith is all wine bars and hypoallergenic quinoa cuisinettes these days min.
  18. Eagerly awaiting the denouement of this crafty caper when innocent posters recieve down votes FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!!!
  19. The Royal Yacht Britania could never be called a Superyacht? Dear me no, a frankly workaday, perfectly ordinary and frugal triple masted, 6000 ton, 250 guest capacity "Floating Palace*" c***s. *Source the Royal yYacht Brittanias official website.
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