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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. He's a Scotland player, playing for Scotland. I want Porteous to have the game of his life, good luck to the lad.
  2. If I wanted to highlight how different Labour are to the Tories I'd avoid conceding that two of their key policies are written by them.
  3. Well we really should be very impressed. All it has taken for Labour to become electable is for the tories to starve the vulnerable and poor, destroy public services, bungle the greatest public health crisis in 100 years, killing 200,000 while robbing us fucking blind and partying in Number 10 like Bluto and Flounder in Animal House while many of us couldn't say goodbye to our nearest and dearest and as a couple de grace detonate the economy. Then Keir can rob our resources, which 8 years ago he told us had run out, to solve England's economic disaster and tell Scotland to go f**k itself. I mean, brilliant work Keith. You visionary.
  4. Bollocks. It wouldn't be the SNP preventing a Labour government it would be Labour, preventing a Labour government.
  5. The important point to remember is that on Radio 4 yesterday, Anas Sarwar launched a righteous attack on the "lying, cheating, stealing, corrupt and incompetent" Conservatives, who his party is in coalition with, then reaffirmed the Labour pledge to never ever work with the SNP under any circumstances. Of course Chris Mason had neither the gumption, knowledge or more correctly the editorial direction to question this glaring contradiction. Anas then went on to demand that in the event of Labour not winning an outright majority the SNP would have no choice but to support them, with no concessions in particular nothing on indyref. So, louder and in simple terms for remnants of the Labour Party at the back: "It is not the job of the Scottish electorate or those they elect to represent them, to deliver England a Labour government it did not vote for and that directly opposes and obstructs the needs, wants and aspirations of the Scottish electorate which they have endorsed and demanded multiple times in successive elections." Should post the next GE the electoral arithmetic means that the SNP hold the keys to no.10 and Keith maintains his current position of "f**k you, back me or f**k off" I'd hope and expect the SNP Westminster group to spend their time drinking on the terrace, playing pool and patiently waiting for them to change their mind and respect democracy or scuttle back to the opposition benches. Probably forever.
  6. Let's imagine that "the state pension is equivalent to an amazon subscription" is the stupidest thing I'll read on the internet today. Chapeau Terence.
  7. The UK is an arsehole, you can't leave. No, the UK is an arsehole, we must.
  8. The UK government won't honour its liabilities to UK workers who've paid into their state pension all their working lives, is not the great argument for the union that you seem to think it is lads.
  9. They don't give a shit about Scotland, as they don't need to win here to get into No.10. We're not voting Tory so every effort is made to hump the legs of the swing racists and brexitwonks in the Motherland. All of this lip service is just that. For show. And Nandy is a horrid piece of work.
  10. Sure, and I'd love it but, to use the Trump example it's a bad precedent to set that the exiting government will be investigated and charged with crimes by the incumbent. Trump and The Tories are clearly as guilty as f**k, to varying degrees of different things. We can see how this plays out in the US but, already you know they'll try and hang Pelosi, Obama and Biden over parking tickets or some other shite in a tit for tat. I heard a podcast that implied the Bill Clinton impeachment was at least partly revenge for Nixon. Despite how bang to rights they both were. There'd be a reasonably strong argument that an investigation and any prosecution of the tories iver brexit wouldn't be in the public interest.
  11. They did, into Banks anyway. It didn't go anywhere. Between the toothless EC & ICo they got away with all the electoral fraud and I imagine proving any direct links between the UK government, its ministers, their families, their opaque trusts etc and their influence on what was essentially a unregulated straw poll, would be an enormous ball ache.
  12. It's such a yawning gaping hole in the BBC Oatcakes remit/output. They are either unwilling or unable to to hold the UK government to account either because they have made an editorial decision to leave it to UK wide teams, or the UK government basically refuse to engage, (it's a bit of both imo). So their only option is, which coincidentally is very helpfully to the staunch brigade, is to immediately plamf UK government actions at the door of ScotGov in the style of "whit are ye gonna dae aboot it." I have limited sympathy but what Scotland does in response is absolutely news worthy. It's just VERY ODD that BBC Shortbread News has no capacity/desire to scrutinise UK government actions in a Scottish context. Innit?
  13. The news cycle is too short. I assume we'll get some preparatory express and mail led hysteria, shortly. Something along the lines of: SNP putting LIVES AT RISK with DANGEROUS SHAM referendums LIKE PUTIN in the Donbas, says government INSIDER.
  14. Sopel, Goodall and Maitliss do this Newsagents podcast on Global. They summarise events, give their own view, interview politicians and take questions from the public. It's mental that the BBC either binned or allowed these folk to leave. It's not perfect but is worth a listen and I'm sure I heard John Sopel swear last week which was thoroughly gratifying.
  15. Your polite reminder why smashing the UK into its constituent parts is so important. While raspers rasp about how an iScot can possibly pay for anything and everything, the UK can't feed its kids. f**k the UK. It is a Shitehouse.
  16. Who the f**k is this made up junior hospitality manager supposed to manage? Hospitality is fucked because there is an enormous labour shortage. And while a great fun place to work, hospitality is in fact a really shitey career for most, low wages, long hours, and high volatility so low job security. Pish.
  17. That Gérard Lyons is a fucking weapon. In the literal sense of the word. Pushed out as an independent commentator to defend the policies he's helped the government to shape. A c**t.
  18. How much canonning does one dead old duck need?
  19. This is very sad news. Also, frazzles are shite.
  20. Not seen these around lately but a tremendous crisp. Roast Beef and Mustard flavour excellent too.
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