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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. We'd be at the back of the queue. Clearly. Because that's how NATO works. Also you can't have Vanguard at either Devonport or Portsmouth, too close to a large civilian population* and there are operational issue about having the CASD sortieing into the busiest shipping lane in the world. *obviously next to the jocks and their national park is fine.
  2. "With other newspapers, the Daily Mail is being taken to court for among other things, illegally obtaining the bank statements and medical records of the family of Stephen Lawrence. Are the government still planning on giving Paul Dacre a peerage, so he can sit beside Baroness Lawrence in the Lords? And was putting him forward 3 times for chair of OFCOM in retrospect a mistake or just another cunning plan foiled?"
  3. Imagine the stern looks we'd get from Judith Ralston. Sign me up.
  4. The best outcome for them is the legal equivalent of "now is not the time." In the short term a definitive no, would seem beneficial for the union but in the medium to long term a supreme court ruling which unequivocally states under current legislation there is no mechanism for Scotland to choose its own future, makes the UK a prison, not a union. And even the fucking headcases in TeamTruss get that and don't want to have to deal with the implications.
  5. The best thing to happen this week is that indyref2 will be an absolute baragin at just 1/5th of the cost of the Festival of Brexit nobody went to.
  6. Aye agreed but knowingly going on a picket line against the leaders direction and then making up policy on the hoof for the cameras is begging to be sacked. Which is what he wanted. The skullduggery does indeed go both ways.
  7. Scrapping the abberation of the TCA which Labour voted for en masse (and demonstarbly is a disaster) and fInding a way to leave the European Unon that didn't horsefuck our ecomomy and simply set aside devolution and the 1, 2, 3 4 referendums that the people in devolved nations endorsed, isn't "reversing brexit." That is straight up the position and language of the very worst of the Vote Leave zoomers like Lilico, Baker, the ERG and Farage. You might argue that this it is simple political expediency for Labour to have turned its coat so fully but, it does have consequences. It does mean that as far as Scotland is concerned they go can go f**k themselves. Who was it that claimed to "be the party of devolution" again? Not these half-tory's that think devolved consent is something that can and should be casually set aside if a large minority of English votes might be at risk? Surely not. This is what I mean about arguing in bad faith. As for immigration you don't even need the moral case (although of course it is there) becasue the practical, economic case is screaming so loudly that we have enormous shortages at al levels. But there are people, who Labour helped to convince over the last 2 decades (see Broon embarrassing himself by apologising to a bigot) who think we don't need people to come here and those that do are stealing the NHS and their kids music lessons. And Labour do not have the testicular fortitude or backbone to make the argument. Which is not just amoral, not just cowardice, not just unspeakably dishonest (although it is very much those things too). It is directly, right now, as we speak harming businesses, harming the economy and making us look like c***s on the world stage, and driving away the people we desperately need to come here and make these stupid, fucked up racist, chronically ill served and horrendously badly governened misereable little collection of islands their home. I hate this more even than Brexit. I fucking despise the casual disregard for humanity. I abhor and piss all over those that cannot see the harm this does and shrug their shoulders at this unbelievably stupid, mean, myopic dog shit attitude to immigartion. It rips my knitting to shreds to have the Scotland I want to live in viewed from the outside through the prism of the xenophobic, byzantine and deliberately cruel Tory policy towards migrants, while Labour stand back and fucking well clap. At the risk of repeating myself. A plague on both your houses.
  8. I don't know, it does seem like at best rank hypocrisy and more reasonably plain old arguing in bad faith to demand that independence set out how it will create a socialist utopia/workers paradise from the outset and as a prerequisite while the British Labour and Unionist parry demonstrably aren't offering that either. Hence the shortest of short shrift on offer, from me anyway.
  9. Sorry this is puddle drinking lunacy because independence is not about what policies we have post indy, it is the ability to have these policies enacted. Sort of a scribbled crayon level misunderstanding there, to be more generous.
  10. Labour have a 30 point lead and yet you and they are still getting the squirty fear about doing what is best for the country and the people who live here? f**k Labour as much as the tories. At least they don't pretend to have any principles. Take this patronising horseshit in bold. "It's natural to seek to redress that." Brexit and the manner in which it was delivered (which Labour voted for post ge2019, and between 2016 and then effectively abandoned the field to the very worst zoomers in far right English politics) fundamentally undermined devolution, required a rewriting of the devolved settlements without our consent and is directly responsible for there being no functioning government in Northern Ireland. It's natural to seek to redress that but, no there's no mechanism for that redress because we need the votes of people we helped to persuade that dirty EU migrants were stealing our NHS and have neither the will nor the courage to tell them different. And any time you fancy discussing immigration and Labour's complete betrayal of business and their own valies, just let me know. A plague on both your houses.
  11. This. That cardboard cut-out c**t Starmer literally throwing himself in front of the bullets aimed at the Tories when just 48 hours ago he was claiming the SNP loved the Tories is especially amusing. All the raspers saying "Sturgeon is such a good communicator, that she made this slip is almost unbelievable" too. Yes she is and yes it is, raspers.
  12. The International Swing and a Miss champions just can't help themselves.
  13. I heard Cleese on Radio 4 this morning. Started off OK, but when asked if sharing deliberate disinformation on vaccines was covered in his definition of free speech, he sounded like a confused and embarrassed old man, trying to explain why he's just walked out of a sex shop. Also, the BBC continually advertising and promoting MadCuntTV is just ridiculous.
  14. Tbf I still have 2 pairs of state provided Hi-Tec Silver Shadow. One fucked pair for painting and gardening and another still in pristine condition, just waiting for the day they come "back" into fashion.
  15. I wonder if you could send some no mark tory 20 quid to tweet "we should make shoes illegal" and if that arsewit troll some of you keep replying to will say "that's a good policy, I support this."
  16. The roasters calling this a HATE CRIME and mentioning legislation they clearly haven't read are my favourite.
  17. It's times like this that I absolutely adore her and have no issue with being called a fan boy. No, and thank you for this invitation to fucking well tell you why.
  18. To be fair, the game needed a goal. The first half was an absolutely excruciating watch, and we've done the right thing by the prime time TV audience there. But ffs lads no need to ship two.
  19. Whether it is racist or not, and I think that it is, it is a catastrophically stupid thing to say and he and his same column every week is no loss.
  20. The worst thing about that is 'POTM" woke madness gone wrong imo.
  21. Sheep Shagging - 2 match ban Irish - 2 match ban Catholic - 2 match ban b*****d - 2 match ban (suspended)
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